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Tagged with: CERT


No student enrollment data is included for an open school that is specified for the collection.


A student has no Ethnicity/Race data.


There is a record in the SCSE file that contains information for a student who was not enrolled on Census Day.


Significant Change In Total Enrollment


Significant Change In Enrollment In A Grade


Significant Change In Enrollment In An Ethnicity / Race Category


A school's total Special Education program participants has either increased or decreased significantly from the previous year's count.


The proportion of a school's enrollment participating in Special Education is greater than 25%.


No Total Special Education Program Participants were submitted for this school.


Significant Change In The LEA's Number Of Special Education Program Participants


The number of 12th grade graduates for the current year is 20% larger than the number of 12th graders in the previous year for a specific gender and ethnicity/race combination.


This school had enrollment in Grade 12 in the previous year, but there are no graduates reported this year.


The percentage of graduates from this school has either increased or decreased by 25 or more percentage points from the previous year's percentage.


Significant Change In Percent Of Graduates Completing UC/CSU Requirements


No dropouts reported for a school that reported dropouts in the previous year and that has current year enrollment >= 100 in grades 9-12 and US.


The school's number of dropouts either increased or decreased significantly from the previous year.


The school's Dropout Rate either increased or decreased significantly from the previous year. Dropout rate includes grades 7-12 and Ungraded Secondary.


The number of Limited English Proficient students either increased or decreased significantly between the previous and current year for a school.


The difference between the Limited English Proficiency (LEP) count for the current year and the previous year for a school is more than 25 and there is at least a 25% difference between the counts for the two years.


The sum of all teacher FTE's (Full Time Equivalents) within the school has either increased or decreased significantly from the previous year.


The sum of all administrator FTEs within the school has either increased or decreased significantly from the previous year.


No Total Free or Reduced Price Meal Program Eligibility was submitted for a school that submitted eligible students in the previous year.


No Free or Reduced Price Meal Program Eligible students were submitted for this school.


Significant Change In The School's Number Of Free Or Reduced Price Meal Program Eligible Students


Significant Change In The LEA's Number Of Free Or Reduced Price Meal Program Eligible Students


Significant Change In LEA's Number Of GATE Students


Significant Change In School's Number Of GATE Students


No Gifted and Talented Education Program (GATE) eligible students were submitted for a school that submitted eligible students in the previous year.


The percentage of enrollment in the school's Career Technical Education (CTE) Courses has either increased or decreased significantly from the previous year’s percentage.


The district's number of students who are identified as "English Learners" has either significantly increased or significantly decreased from last year to this year. 


The school's count of teachers providing English Learner education services has either increased or decreased significantly from last year's EL teacher count.


The total number of SSID anomalies in the Snapshot is equal to or greater than 2% of Snapshot enrollment.


All intra-LEA CCEs must be resolved before certifying.


No Total Title III Eligible Immigrants were submitted for a school that submitted Immigrants in the previous year.


No Total Title III Eligible Immigrants were submitted for this school.


Significant Change In The School's Number Of Title III Eligible Immigrant


Significant Change In The LEA's Number Of Title III Eligible Immigrants


The sum of Staff FTE for all Job Classifications for an individual staff member in the LEA is more than 200%.


A course section includes a SEID for which there is no valid teaching assignment information.


A teacher was reported who was employed on Census day but has no Non-classroom based job assignments or assigned Course Section records.

In other words, you are trying to report a teacher (because you've already uploaded a staff demographic and staff assignment file), but you are getting a cert error because that teacher doesn't have any course records associated with her/him (likely), or they are a teacher on special assignment or something and don't have a non-teaching assignment. 

So the system is asking you "Did you forget to upload this teacher's course records?"


A Staff Assignment was reported for a SEID that has no demographics.


There are no administrators at the LEA.


There are no pupil services staff at the LEA.


There is no staff assignment information for Itinerant or Pull-Out/Push-In Teachers


There is no staff assignment information for Teachers at the LEA.


A course section includes a SEID for which there is no demographic information.


A Course Section includes a SEID for which there is no demographic information.


Student was reported as graduating with a Special Education Certificate of Completion and the student is not in Special Education Program.


No Special Education Program Participants were submitted for a school that submitted Participants in the previous year.


No Total Title I Part C Migrant Education Program Participants were submitted for a school that submitted Participants in the previous year.


Significant Change In The School's Number Of Title I Part C Migrant Education Program Participants


Significant Change In The LEA's Number Of Title I Part C Migrant Education Program Participants


The sum of total enrollment for course sections grouped by Class ID should not be greater than 50


The Number of  English Learners (ELs) Receiving Education Services has either increased or decreased significantly when compared with the previous year’s count.


Census Day has no SELA record for a school that has at least one English Learner student.


No course sections have been identified as NCLB compliant for this school.


No CTE completers have been reported for a school that had more than 20 CTE Completers in the previous year.


A substantial FTE percentage is indicated for the Job Classification of Teaching. This staff member has only one departmentalized course section assigned at this school.


There is no waiver record for a student who graduated with a School Completion Status of 106 or 108.


A teacher with a course section assignment was not employed for the Report Period.


A staff member with a non-classroom/support assignment was not employed for the Report Period.


No student course section data were submitted for an enrolled student with enrollment status of Primary, excluding Students with Disabilities on IEPs enrolled at the District Level that are not in participating Adult Age Students with Disabilities in Transition Status programs

English Translation:  You have a student enrolled in your school on Census Day (first Wednesday of October), but there is no student course section information in the system yet.  You must upload an SCSE file that has at least one course associated to this student.  You will continue to get this CERT error until that is resolved.


A course section does not have any associated student course section records.

In other words, you've uploaded a record using the crse file upload but there are no records of any students enrolled in that section.  


The sum of all pupil services FTE within the school has either increased or decreased significantly from the previous year.


No course section data was submitted for a student with Enrollment Status of Secondary or Short Term.


No course section data was submitted for a student with Enrollment Status of Secondary or Short Term.


When the "Multiple Teacher Code" is populated "true", you must have two or more Course Section records with the same Class ID and different SEIDS for the same Course Section.  In other words, you have set up a course to be taught by more than one teacher, but you have only created a single course section record where there should be two.


Staff Demographics was reported for a SEID that has no Staff Assignments.


Existing prior student enrollment records exited with the Student School Exit Category E490 where there is no subsequent current reporting year student enrollment record within the same LEA


A student has a waiver record (SWAV), but does not have a program record (SPRG) with Education Program Code = 101 or 144.


No Student Program records with an Education Program Code of 122 (NCLB Title I Part A Targeted) have been submitted for a school that received Title I Part A Targeted Assistance funding in the Reporting Year.


A student course section record was submitted for an SSID that was not enrolled at any time during the Report Period


No End of Year student course section data were submitted for an enrolled student with enrollment status of Primary


A course section does not have any associated student course section records.


No Student Career Technical Education records were submitted for this school.

(NOTE: This would be appropriate if the school was an Elementary school, for example).


The Education Program Membership Start and End Date range for Transitional Kindergarten Program (185) record is outside of normal range of participation for this program.

Note:  This error was re-activated in May of 2017.


The Education Service Code field (9.20) is not populated for a course section in which English Learners are enrolled.


If a student with a Primary enrollment has an English Language Acquisition Code = "TBD" and the Student Grade Level Code is not equal to "AD", "IN", "TD", or "PS", then the English Language Acquisition Status Start Date must be less than 90 days before the Census Date of the Report Period.


The Employment Status Category is Missing for a Teacher.


The Education Program Membership Start and End Date range for Title I Part C Migrant Program (135) record is outside of the maximum eligibility period of 3 years for this program. Eligibility must be renewed every 3 years.


No Homeless Program eligible students were submitted for an LEA.


No Homeless Program eligible students were submitted for an LEA.


A student that was enrolled any time between July 1 and June 30 of the previous Academic Year and has not been exited prior to August 16 of the Active Academic Year.


If Student Grade Level Code = KN, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, UE, or US, and English Language Acquisition  Status = EL (English Learner), Then Student Initial US School Enrollment Date must be populated.


If the most recent enrollment contains Exit Code E150, then a subsequent Enrollment record is required.


No Student Course Section Completion record (SCSC) was submitted for the CTE Course and the student is a CTE Concentrator.


No SCTE Records submitted for a Carl Perkins Program-funded LEA


Student will not be 5 in kindergarten year and is not enrolled in TK program


Either no Student Course Section Completion record (SCSC) was submitted for a CTE course OR the associated State Course Code submitted is not valid for SCTE Pathway Code.


No Student Course Section Completion record (SCSC) was submitted for a CTE Capstone course at the same Reporting LEA or associated State Course Code submitted is not valid for SCTE Pathway Code


Each student who has an SENR record with an enrollment status of Primary or short-term in grades K-12, UE, US MUST have an associated STAS record for the same school and academic year.


A student's Expected Attendance Days must be less than or equal to their Total Enrollment Days at the same school for the same academic year. 


A student that was enrolled any time between July 1 and June 30 of the Active reporting Academic Year and has not been exited prior to August 16 of the next subsequent reporting Academic Year.


Missing Student Enrollment Exit Reason for Student With Disabilities Dropping from Program


SSRV records must have an associated SPED record (i.e., same student, LEA, and Student Special Education Meeting or Amendment Identifier) where Education Plan type = 100, 150, or 200 and Meeting type = 10, 15, 20


Missing Student Enrollment Exit Reason for Student with Disabilities leaving program due to Max Age Reached


A student's with an Education Plan Type Code 100 (Individualized Education Plan (IEP), 150 (Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP), or 200 (Individual Service Plan (ISP)) must have an associated Special Education Service Record


SPED record must have an associated SENR data for the same SSID, LEA, and Academic Year


A student enrolled in a non-public non-sectarian certified school (NPS) during the reporting period has no overlapping SPED records with Education Plan = 100 (IEP) at the same Reporting LEA.


Student enrolled in a Private School must have an associated SPED record in the same reporting LEA


Students in Grades TD, IN, PS, KN, 1-3 should not be suspended for disruption or defiance (Student offense code = 511)


Student Incident (SINC) Records must have at least one associated Student Incident Result (SIRS) Record


Students with an Education Plan Type Code = 200 (ISP) must have a Private School enrollment (0000002)


All SPED records for a student with the same Education Plan Type Code, Special Education Meeting Date, and Education Plan Amendment Date in the same Reporting LEA and SELPA must have the same Special Education Program Exit Date and Special Education Exit Reason Code


Student should be enrolled in Non-public school (NPS) or is receiving instruction through at home/hospital instructional setting to be exempt from submitting Student Absence Summary Data


A student may only have one STAS record at the same school in the same academic year.

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