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Behavior Management Systems

Behavior Management Systems allow school administrators to track student behavior over time, and complete necessary forms and communicate with parents and authorities in a timely manner.

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22 results - showing 1 - 22
5 Star Students

Product Details

5-Star Students is a unique, web-based platform available to help educators and administrators track and drive student involvement in school activities and events.

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With hundreds or thousands of devices, students, and pieces of software, technology management can quickly become a burden. AristotleK12’s all-in-one design allows tech staff the ability to properly manage their assets and answer their most pressing IT questions. Learn how AristotleK12 can provide you with the necessary tools: Classroom Management, Student-centric Filtering, Asset Reporting, and Student Behavior Analytics.
Behavior Intervention Monitoring Assessment System 2 (BIMAS-2™)

Product Details

The Behavior Intervention Monitoring Assessment System (BIMAS-2™) is a measure of social, emotional and behavioral functioning in children and adolescents ages 5 to 18 years.  The BIMAS Standard Form includes 34 change-sensitive items that are used for universal screening of behavior concerns and for assessing and monitoring the progress of behavior and mental health related interventions.  The BIMAS items were developed based on over 10 years of research and a scientific model for selecting items that are sensitive to change called Intervention Item Selection Rules (IISRs; Meier, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2004). It is the only commercially available measure comprised of items with demonstrated change sensitivity based on the IISRs model and the only measure build from this perspective in mind from the grounds up.

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Interactive district-level to whole-child data management that strengthens MTSS implementations, including student need identification and intervention effectiveness. eduCLIMBER is an interactive system that integrates all whole child data into a single platform with built-in tools for intervention tracking, collaboration, effectiveness reporting, early warning, driving system-level improvement, and more.


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EHallPass innovatively revolutionizes student movement management within educational institutions. Conceived by veteran educator Nathan Hammond and developed by Eduspire Solutions LLC, this digital hall pass and surveillance system, launched on May 16, 2019, provides an unrivaled solution for bolstering both student safety and responsibility.

With EHallPass, students can seamlessly request classroom departures, while educators and administrators gain access to instantaneous, comprehensive insights into student whereabouts, upholding an environment that is both secure and conducive to accountability.

Emote Connect

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Emote Connect allows students to emotionally check-in and request support from teachers and staff, so you can spend more time engaging and less time reacting. The app gives all students the space and agency to support themselves or get help from others.

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Hero helps monitor all forms of student behavior. Good or bad, minor or major, you will always know what is happening on campus. Using any web browser, the Hero Mobile Scanning Solution, or your own Android and iOS devices, it allows you to spot heroes in your school and capture behavior where and when it happens.


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Linewize Pulse is a 60 second weekly check-in tool. It gives students a channel to speak up and gives leaders better visibility of wellbeing levels across the school, including students in need of rapid intervention. 

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LiveSchool is the most user-friendly, flexible tool to implement your school's behavior interventions. Whether you use points, bucks, or a different approach, LiveSchool will lead to major improvements. 


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Minga is your all-in-one solution for bringing school operations into the digital age. Forget about the old days of paper, spreadsheets, and time-consuming manual tasks. With Minga, things like hall passes, school check in, tardy slips, behavior reports, rewards, and attendance are all a breeze. This means less busy work for staff and more time spent on helping students succeed.

Panorama Student Success

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Your all-in-one solution to scale consistent student supports with MTSS, PBIS, or RTI frameworks.

PBIS Rewards

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PBIS Rewards is an affordable, digital school-wide PBIS management system that assists schools in their Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support program. The multi-device platform makes it easy to continuously recognize students for meeting behavior expectations from anywhere in the school, not just the classroom. And with added features like referral tracking, Workplace Rewards for Teachers, Check-In/Check-Out, and SEL Check, PBIS Rewards helps to foster accountability and fidelity in your PBIS program.

Product Details

Kickboard’s PBIS software app and training services help you implement programs that improve student classroom behavior.  Kickboard’s behavior management solutions help educators more effectively manage social and emotional learning (SEL) and multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) to help improve student well-being, school culture, and achieve more equitable outcomes.​​
RAAWEE Truancy & Dropout Prevention System

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Truancy has also been one of the major reasons for any student to eventually dropout from school. Although Truant behavior can be identified by SIS or Attendance Software, this long-time challenge often stems from lack of processes, tools and resources for early recognition, efficient processing and timely intervention. This is where RaaWee K12 Truancy & Dropout Prevention System (TDPS) introduces success. TDPS delivers a workflow-based Collaboration & Intervention Network easily customizable to any School District's local environment and procedures. All internal stakeholders view up-to-date status and recommendations on their unique Action Board. Administrator view up-to-the-minute Attendance Intelligence in easy to read graphics and trends. All fed real-time by the Document Manager and Case Worker Mobile i-App. Proven business tools and practices applied to the business and student support needs of Quality Education.

Scholarship Attendance

Product Details

STUDENT ACCOUNTABILITY means your students are in charge of their own attendance

Free your staff from clerical tasks and empower your students with automated attendance; prepare kids for life by putting Bus, Class, and Large Group and Building Attendance in their hands.

All children can benefit when they have to bring their ID card to school and tap in to be marked present; younger kids are more engaged in the classroom and older students appreciate the responsibility.

With automated attendance, administrative accuracy improves and cut rates and truancy decrease. Our dynamic reporting identifies at-risk students quickly and class cuts are reported as they happen, so administrators can intervene fast.

Learn how ScholarChip can help your students be more accountable and improve attendance.

Scholarship Behavior Management & Intervention

Product Details

Easy, integrated intervention and tracking for better outcomes

Free your staff from managing behavior with ScholarChip-ABE (Alternative Behavior Educator). The program teaches better behavior and monitors progress throughout a student’s career, while giving administrators and teachers powerful data-driven reports that quickly flag at-risk students, help monitor and chronicle progress, and support decision-making tasks. ​

The system incorporates the complete spectrum of behavior and integrates student rewards, interventions, and tracking with PowerSchool®, Infinite Campus, and other popular SIS programs.

School Status Attend (Previously Attention2Attendance and SI&A)

Product Details

Data-driven Multi-Tiered System of Supports to track, manage and improve student attendance. 
Attention2Attendance (A2A) is foundational data-driven software of The Achievement Initiative.

Attention2Attendance (A2A) is an attendance management software solution designed to help districts manage all attendance processes to include preventative methods, interventions and recognitions that will significantly improve overall attendance and dramatically reduce chronic absenteeism. A2A is an all-inclusive solution that includes implementation, training, unlimited access to the platform, and all mailing logistics. 

Product Details

simpldiscipline simplifies student discipline management by streamlining the discipline referral process, alerting school administrators to at-risk students, and automatically syncs incidents to district student information systems.    simpldiscipline provides a platform for teachers and staff to report discipline issues. After a referral is received, school administrators are alerted, and can view all details of the incident, offenders, and other incident details submitted. Once the incident has been addressed by administration, school administrators log their actions and provide instant feedback to the submitter. After an incident has been addressed, it can then be synced to a district student information system.


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SmartPass is the ultimate solution for hallway management. Whether your school is big or small, students always spend crucial class-time in your hallways. SmartPass helps you control the flow of students and ensures they get the most out of the school day.

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Start being proactive instead of reactive when it comes to dealing with incidents of inappropriate behavior. When students are comfortable sharing information with you, more students will start asking for and getting the help they need. Plus, you will have the ability to address issues early on, before they spiral out of control.

What began as a tool to combat bullying in schools, has now grown into a suite of customizable products and services meant to inspire speak up cultures in not only the education space, but also the workforce and public safety sectors, spanning over 3 million subscribers.
SuperNoodle by GoNoodle

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SuperNoodle builds on the power of GoNoodle and its reach into 93% of public elementary schools in the United States. SuperNoodle leverages proven best-practices, an immersive experience, and continual feedback from experts to create happier, healthier kids.


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The SWIS Suite is a reliable, confidential, web-based information system to collect, summarize, and use student behavior data for decision making. Research tells us educators can make more effective and efficient decisions when they have the right data in the right form at the right time. SWIS provides school personnel with the information they need to be successful decision makers.

22 results - showing 1 - 22