RAAWEE Truancy & Dropout Prevention System
Product Details
Truancy has also been one of the major reasons for any student to eventually dropout from school. Although Truant behavior can be identified by SIS or Attendance Software, this long-time challenge often stems from lack of processes, tools and resources for early recognition, efficient processing and timely intervention. This is where RaaWee K12 Truancy & Dropout Prevention System (TDPS) introduces success. TDPS delivers a workflow-based Collaboration & Intervention Network easily customizable to any School District's local environment and procedures. All internal stakeholders view up-to-date status and recommendations on their unique Action Board. Administrator view up-to-the-minute Attendance Intelligence in easy to read graphics and trends. All fed real-time by the Document Manager and Case Worker Mobile i-App. Proven business tools and practices applied to the business and student support needs of Quality Education.
- Tight Collaboration among Key Stakeholders
- Sound Truancy Data Intelligence
- Efficient Documentation Management
Uses five fully integrated modules including:
- Preventions
- Collaboration & Interventions
- Attendance Intelligence
- Interventions App
- Court Documentation Management
Support Options
- Phone
This list is compiled annually through our web surveys, internet research, and phone interviews with California school districts.
School Districts in California that use raawee*