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A disposition to wonder, ponder, and ask 'why?'. A thirst for understanding and a desire to explore. A general dissatisfaction with the status-quo.
A willingness to own up to one’s intellectual limitations and mistakes. Unconcerned with intellectual status or job titles.
A capacity for active, self-directed thinking. An ability to think and reason for oneself, especially when it might run counter to existing 'groupthink'.
A readiness to be “personally present” in any group collaborative process. Limits distractions. Strives to be engaged and engaging.
A disposition to notice and avoid intellectual pitfalls and mistakes. Strives for accuracy.
A disposition to seek and provide explanations. Probes for deeper meaning and understanding.
An ability to think outside the box. Gives a fair hearing to competing perspectives especially when they challenge existing norms and procedures.
A readiness to persist in thinking or communicating in the face of resistance, including fear of embarrassment, failure, or repudiation by one's peers.
A willingness to embrace intellectual challenge and struggle. Keeps its “eyes on the prize” and doesn’t give up.