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Food Services

Food Services includes a wide range of software systems, including those for meal payment (e.g. online payment), Point-of-Sales systems, meal planning/logistics, health record reporting, etc.

Know of a great product that isn't yet on this list of California K-12 enterprise systems? Please let us know and we'll create a product page for it. Just drop us a note. 

21 results - showing 1 - 21

Product Details

School lunches, student activities, class fees, after-school care, even fundraising events — everything you need is streamlined in Boonli. Organize meal data. Run sale programs. Save time and money with an efficient school lunch order management platform that reduces administrative overhead and delivers zero food waste. Use school lunches for fundraising by marking up vendor prices. Easily collect additional revenue for your school with easy parent payment services for after school programs, events, school merchandise, and much more!
Choice Lunch

Product Details

Choicelunch works simply: fresh food delivered daily to your kids! Order using a simple online ordering system and mobile app designed for schools and parents who care deeply about food and nutrition, but don’t have a lot of time to spend figuring out how to order lunch.
eFunds for Schools

Product Details

EFS is powered by Magic-Wrighter, Inc., and has been providing electronic payments to schools for 37 years. The company was established in 1982 for the purpose of bringing electronic payment solutions to the financial banking industry, allowing banks, thrifts and credit unions to provide cost-effective payment solutions to schools, churches, municipalities, businesses and other organizations. Each and every day, millions of dollars are paid through e~Funds for Schools and other electronic payment services supported by Magic-Wrighter, Inc.

Magic-Wrighter, Inc. has set significant research funds aside for the advancement and development of future payment systems that will provide your school with the latest in payment services. The e~Funds for Schools service has your school’s interest at heart and will continue to provide safe and secure payment processing to parents, guardians and all other individuals who make payments or contributions to the school.

eTrition by Harris School Solutions

Product Details

Developed by school nutritionists, eTrition incorporates 40+ years of K-12 user experience into a fully integrated web-based nutrition solution. Focused on ease of use and customization, real-time information is available online at any time, from any computer.

EZSchoolPay by Harris School Solutions

Product Details

EZSchoolPay is the payment-processing software that revolutionizes the way parents and students pay, School Nutrition team members collect, and school district administrators account for and manage money. This comprehensive tool also handles payments for yearbooks, school apparel, and any other dues or fees you collect!

Health-e Meal Planner

Product Details

Easy-to-use, cloud-based, menu planning

Save Time
Let Health-e Meal Planner do the work for you. Choose from thousands of global ready-to-use products and start planning menus faster than ever.
Save Money
Reduce your costs by storing your production and spec sheets right where you need them: with your menus! You may even save a tree or two.
Stay Compliant
USDA-approved for nutrient analyses required in the school meal programs and for use in certification of compliance with lunch meal requirements.

Product Details

OneSource is a completely integrated solution that gathers and processes the data required for accurate reimbursement claims and reporting and gives you smarter tools to operate your program more efficiently. OneSource has been approved by the USDA for use in certification of compliance with lunch meal requirements and for use in conducting nutrient analyses.

Infinite Campus Food Services

Product Details

Fully integrated with Campus SIS, Campus Food Service allows you to automatically establish food service accounts, track food purchases, and manage payments. Eliminate your third-party system today! 
  • Campus Food Service gives users immediate, secure access to the cafeteria information needed.
  • Review food service transactions through an easy-to-use Web interface as it is entered via class serve or POS terminal.
  • Access students’ account balances through the Campus Portal and Mobile Portal and review meal selections via the Campus Portal in real time.
  • Integrated with Campus Free and Reduced Meal Applications (FRAM) to process applications, with immediate results, and give the student free, reduced or paid lunch all in the same day, while ensuring data confidentiality in the lunchroom.
  • Collect lunch counts from the classroom.

Product Details

The cafeteria software that makes connecting administration, parents and federal programs easier. LunchTime can save many hours of data collection and compilation, maximize your meal reimbursement dollars, minimize the time spent of managing student account information and much more. 

MealTime mPower Point of Sale by Harris School Solutions

Product Details

Meet MealTime mPower, the latest in school foodservice technology from MealTime. mPower is the only truly cloud-based K-12 POS system with no user-software to install, no updates to worry about, no desktops to maintain. mPower is built for cloud computing with a single, centralized SQL Server database delivering the ease and flexibility you need to take your program to the next level.


Product Details

Mosaic is an integrated, web-based food service management software program engineered for ease of use and speed – all while supporting the key functions you need to successfully manage your program. Access your program data anywhere you need to, from nearly any internet-connected device.


Product Details

Today, more than 2 million families with kids at 25,000 schools across the US trust MySchoolBucks with their payments for school meals, after-school programs, bus passes, athletic fees and more. With MySchoolBucks, you can add money to your child's account, view account balances and recent purchases, and set up notifications for upcoming payments - from the convenience of your home, office, or on-the-go with our mobile app.


Product Details

NUTRIKIDS Point of Sale (POS) brings a new level of simplicity to your school meal program.  Control costs, streamline your operation and increase revenue. Your staff will experience faster transaction processing  and you’ll have access to timely, reliable information.  At the end of the day simply reconcile each line and send the sales information electronically, eliminating unnecessary paperwork and freeing up valuable time.


Product Details

PAMS Lunchroom, LLC, dba PayPAMS, is a partner of PCS Revenue Control Systems, Inc., and together with PCS provides a complete technology solution for K-12 School Food and Nutrition Services nationwide. 


Product Details

We are 100% focused on student nutrition solutions. We service no other markets, period. Our user, students, parents, and district staff, get our full attention. Our product offering includes prepayments on the web, free and reduced application processing, meal accountability, claims reporting, menu nutrition analysis, food purchases and inventory control, plus services including project management, training, webinars, continuing maintenance, upgrades, and support.
PrimeroEdge (Parent online)

Product Details

Primero Edge is a comprehensive internet database that helps Child Nutrition Programs run smoothly. It can do everything from inventory, point of sale, and financials to menu planning and nutrient analysis, and record keeping.


Product Details

Rocketscan is a software solution for public school district's Food Service Departments that automates the processing of free & reduced meal applications. With Rocketscan, school districts scan their meal applications into the software system for automated processing, or receive their applications complete & compliant over the internet with Rocketscan Online. Read more about how the scanning software works

Rodlan's School Lunch

Product Details

School Lunch: School cafeteria software at an affordable price.
School Cafe

Product Details

District leaders, school nutrition directors, food service workers, families, and students all benefit from SchoolCafé’s all-in-one, software solution.   Through decades of experience, smart technology, and analytics comes a platform that completely optimizes school nutrition operations.   SchoolCafé is the only web-based platform you need to manage every aspect of your school nutrition program.
Titan by Linq

Product Details

TITAN’s web-based school nutrition solutions make your operations stronger, more effective and efficient. We provide simple straight-forward, yet comprehensive management and communications tools with a revolutionary, all-inclusive subscription model. Budget-friendly, transparent pricing begins right here. Know in advance exactly how much value you can expect with our scalable, integrated, browser agnostic solutions. With TITAN, there are no surprises. We don’t require the districts we partner with to help cover a massive corporate overhead– we don’t have one. TITAN School Solutions is a company of school information technology veterans with a passion for improving operations in education.

Product Details

Formerly known as School Dining System, Total K12 encompasses a broad array of point of sale management solutions for your school district.  Built from the ground up for speed and ease of use, our products balance simplicity, price and performance.  The admin portal enables you to easily manage multiple POS systems, Free and Reduced/Direct Certification information, student information and much more, all from one location! Check out a few features of the administrative portal and the value it will provide your school.  The parent portal is designed to keep families informed and involved by providing a venue to check student balances, make special requests, and much more. Here’s how the parent portal helps your district and families.
21 results - showing 1 - 21
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