EZSchoolPay by Harris School Solutions
Product Details
EZSchoolPay is the payment-processing software that revolutionizesthe way parents and students pay, School Nutrition team members collect, and school district administrators account for and manage money. This comprehensive tool also handles payments for yearbooks, school apparel, and any other dues or fees you collect!
With EZSchoolPay, you will be able to:
- Speed up your lunch lines by replacing crumpled-up dollar bills and loose change with speedy click-and-go payments.
- Save time with no extra manual steps along the way, since this convenient system quickly processes and delivers all funds where they need to go.
- Incorporate parents’ needs by letting them easily add money to accounts (through the app or online, immediately and at any time), set up recurring automatic payments, receive low-account-balance alerts, and more, all of which helps to remove the word “forget” from the process altogether.
- Feel confident knowing all payments and accounting are secure and accurate by reducing cash handling and routing payments directly from the parents’ accounts to your district’s bank account.
Support Options
This list is compiled annually through our web surveys, internet research, and phone interviews with California school districts.
School Districts in California that use EZ School Pay*