Emote Connect
Product Details
Emote Connect allows students to emotionally check-in and request support from teachers and staff, so you can spend more time engaging and less time reacting. The app gives all students the space and agency to support themselves or get help from others.
- Students can easily share an SEL check-in and request support from an adult they trust
- Staff are notified based on either support requests or risk patterns
- Emote coordinates and manages follow-up to make sure opportunities are never dropped
- Resource library that is personalized and responsive to need
- Increase student usage of existing resources 3-4x
- Reach all students, both internalizers and externalizers
- Customizable (e.g. regulation strategies, counselor meetings, crisis hotline, and more)
SEL and Goal Data
- Emotion and antecedent based data
- Reports that show hidden trends
- Automatic reporting that drives action
- Goal tracking (e.g. IEP, BIP, Check-in/Check-out, and more)
Student Self-Awareness
- Created with psychologists, school staff, and students
- Carefully guides students to identify and communicate their experiences, needs, and efforts
- Differentiated support for all grade levels
Support Options
This list is compiled annually through our web surveys, internet research, and phone interviews with California school districts.
School Districts in California that use Emote*