Student Enrollment Records Exited With Student School Exit Category E490 Must Have A Subsequent Student Enrollment Record Within The LEA
SeverityError Description
Existing prior student enrollment records exited with the Student School Exit Category E490 where there is no subsequent current reporting year student enrollment record within the same LEA
Suggested Resolution
Add a subsequent enrollment record for the listed SSIDs. Valid subsequent enrollment records for the LEA with E490 include: Primary (10), Short-term (30), or, Receiving Specialized Services (40). As necessary, verify any discrepancies in the Enrollment History data contained in Local SIS vs. CALPADS for the SSID and make appropriate corrections. For more information, refer to "CALPADS SSID and Enrollment Procedures" document available at http://www.cde.ca.gov/ds/sp/cl/systemdocs.asp
Fields Validated
Headache Factor

089 - 89 - CALPADS - CERT - CERT089 - E490 - Enrollment - ERROR - Exit Category - FALL 1 - STUDENT - Student Exit - Student Information
Solution Rating