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Expected Attendance Days is greater than Total Enrollment Days

FATAL error - Must be corrected in order to post the record and/or certify your data.

Error Description

A student's Expected Attendance Days must be less than or equal to their Total Enrollment Days at the same school for the same academic year. 

Suggested Resolution

For the CER129 error
Here is what you will need to do:
The first thing to check is to see if the student has an exit date.
If the student does not have an exit date and the enrollment date is towards the end of the school year, use an exit date of May 15th as the default exit date until the actual exit date is known.
Then this formula applies to your issue:
From the CALPADS glossary defines the Total Enrollment Days as a sum of all the enrollment days for a student at a particular school during the academic year.
 The calculation is: SUM ALL SENR records meeting the criteria above (1.26 Enrollment End Date - 1.23 Enrollment Start Date + 1 ).
However if the Enrollment End Date is Null (no enrollment end date) then CALPADS uses a enrollment start date and end date of 5/15/20XX by default.
Here is an example:
Look up the SSID, then look at the enrollment records
This enrollment has no end (no exit date)

Reporting LEA

School Of Attendance

*Enrollment Status

Grade Level

*Enrollment Start Date

Enrollment End Date 

Student Exit Reason

Expected School of Attendance

Completion Status

Met all UC/CSU Req

School Transfer Code

District of Residence

King City Union-2766050

King City Arts Magnet-0107292










King City Union-276605

So the default formula is imposed
Enrollment Start Date is 05/15/2017
Enrollment End Date is 05/15/2017
The default formula

So Total Enrollment Days (05/15/2017-05/15-05/2015)+1=1
Expected Attendance Days 11> Total Enrollment Days 1
Hence the CERT129.
Once the Enrollment End Date is added, CALPADS will calculate the correct Total of Enrollment Days and the CERT129 will clear.
Here are the steps to look up the Enrollment Status

Log into CALPADS
Click on State Reporting
Choose Online Maintenance
Select Maintain Student Data
Search for the SSID
Click on Enrollment
Note the end date

To see the Absence Summary
Log into CALPADS
Click on State Reporting
Choose Online Maintenance
Select Maintain Student Data
Search for the SSID
Click on Student Absence Summary
Note the Expected Attendance Days

Headache Factor


0129 - 129 - Absence - Attendance - CALPADS - CERT - EOY - ERROR - fix

Solution Rating
4.5/5 rating (2 votes)

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