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Tagged with: EOY


No student enrollment data is included for an open school that is specified for the collection.


A student has no Ethnicity/Race data.


The percentage of enrollment in the school's Career Technical Education (CTE) Courses has either increased or decreased significantly from the previous year’s percentage.


A Course Section includes a SEID for which there is no demographic information.


No CTE completers have been reported for a school that had more than 20 CTE Completers in the previous year.


There is no waiver record for a student who graduated with a School Completion Status of 106 or 108.


There is no end of year program participation data for this school. See CALPADS Data Guide for a list of programs collected in the End of Year submission.


No course section data was submitted for a student with Enrollment Status of Secondary or Short Term.


A student has a waiver record (SWAV), but does not have a program record (SPRG) with Education Program Code = 101 or 144.


A student course section record was submitted for an SSID that was not enrolled at any time during the Report Period


No End of Year student course section data were submitted for an enrolled student with enrollment status of Primary


A course section does not have any associated student course section records.


No Student Career Technical Education records were submitted for this school.

(NOTE: This would be appropriate if the school was an Elementary school, for example).


The Education Program Membership Start and End Date range for Transitional Kindergarten Program (185) record is outside of normal range of participation for this program.

Note:  This error was re-activated in May of 2017.


No SCTE Records submitted for a Carl Perkins Program-funded LEA


No Student Course Section Completion record (SCSC) was submitted for a CTE Capstone course at the same Reporting LEA or associated State Course Code submitted is not valid for SCTE Pathway Code


Each student who has an SENR record with an enrollment status of Primary or short-term in grades K-12, UE, US MUST have an associated STAS record for the same school and academic year.


A student's Expected Attendance Days must be less than or equal to their Total Enrollment Days at the same school for the same academic year. 


Missing Student Enrollment Exit Reason for Student With Disabilities Dropping from Program


SSRV records must have an associated SPED record (i.e., same student, LEA, and Student Special Education Meeting or Amendment Identifier) where Education Plan type = 100, 150, or 200 and Meeting type = 10, 15, 20


Missing Student Enrollment Exit Reason for Student with Disabilities leaving program due to Max Age Reached


A student enrolled in a non-public non-sectarian certified school (NPS) during the reporting period has no overlapping SPED records with Education Plan = 100 (IEP) at the same Reporting LEA.


Student enrolled in a Private School must have an associated SPED record in the same reporting LEA


Students with an Education Plan Type Code = 200 (ISP) must have a Private School enrollment (0000002)


All SPED records for a student with the same Education Plan Type Code, Special Education Meeting Date, and Education Plan Amendment Date in the same Reporting LEA and SELPA must have the same Special Education Program Exit Date and Special Education Exit Reason Code


Field length does not match Calpads File Specifications


Field length does not match Calpads File Specifications


Data for a numeric field must be a number or a decimal point.


Format for Incident Disciplinary Action Duration Days must match CALPADS File Specifications


A required field for the submitted Records Type is missing


A required field for the submitted Records Type is missing


The value provided for the field is not a valid value from the CALPADS Code Sets


The value provided for the field is not a valid value from the CALPADS Code Sets


Student must be enrolled in the School of Attendance during the Academic Year specified


Student must be enrolled in the School of Attendance during the Academic Year specified


Code submitted outside the effective date range


Code submitted outside the effective date range


The value provided for the field is not a valid CALPADS Transaction Type Code


The value provided for the field is not a valid CALPADS Transaction Type Code


Reporting LEA must equal CDS code associated with submitter User ID


School must be a valid code in CDS and have an active CALPADS reporting relationship with the Reporting LEA


Academic Year ID must be a valid academic school year combination and no more than one year in the future


SSID must be a valid CALPADS SSID in the ODS


If SSID is retired and Student Gender Code and Student Date of Birth Year in file match Student Gender Code and Student Date of Birth Year of current SSID in ODS Then replace with current SSID for student


The CTE Pathway Completion Academic Year ID must match the Academic Year ID


Two (or more) records with the same SSID (State Student Identifier Number) must not be submitted with the same CTE Pathway Code.


When populated, Days Absent Out-of-School Suspension must be less than or equal to Expected Attendance Days Less Days Attended (May be 0)


When populated,Days in Attendance In-School Supsension must be less than or equal to Expected Attendance Days Less Days Attended (May be 0)


A student may only have one STAS record at the same school in the same academic year.


When populated, the total days for all absences and days attended must equal the Expected Attendance Days 

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