Code Submitted Outside The Effective Date Range
SeverityError Description
Code submitted outside the effective date range
Suggested Resolution
Understanding the Error:
The values that can be submitted in a field must be effective in CALPADS. The submitted file contains values that are no longer accepted by CALPADS.
Things to check for in submission:
Determine if the code value is "retired."
Suggested Resolution:
1) See for the "CALPADS Code Sets" document and for the code value's effective dates.
2) If file produced from local SIS, contact vendor/technical resource to determine the reason for using expired value(s) and to determine how to resolve the problem.
Fields Validated
4.01 - Record Type Code
4.02 - Transaction Type Code
4.06 - Academic Year ID
4.12 - Student Gender Code
4.15 - Student Offense Code
4.17 - Weapon Category Code
4.18 - Incident Disciplinary Action Taken Code
4.19 - Disciplinary Action Authority Code
4.21 - Student Instructional Support Indicator
4.22 - Expulsion Modification Category Code
Headache Factor

0007 - 7 - Code Submitted - End of Year - EOY - GERR - GERR0007 - Outside The Effective Date Range - SDIS - Student Discipline
Solution Rating