Missing SCSC record or incorrect pathway for CTE Completer
SeverityError Description
No Student Course Section Completion record (SCSC) was submitted for a CTE Capstone course at the same Reporting LEA or associated State Course Code submitted is not valid for SCTE Pathway Code
Suggested Resolution
Understanding the Error:
The system is validating that a student for whom a Student Career Technical Education (SCTE) Completer record has been submitted for the Industry Sector has completed at least one course (submitted in the SCSC file) associated with the SCTE record in the same academic year at the same Reporting LEA, as indicated in the CALPADS Valid Combinations - Course Group Master Combos.
Things to check in the submission: Ensure you have submitted at least one SCSC record with a Course Section ID at the same Reporting LEA for the student that is mapped to a CRS-State Course Code in a CRSC record that can then be mapped to the CTE Pathway specified for the student in the SCTE file and the SCSC record must have a Capstone Course Indicator = Yes.
Suggested Resolution:
If the student did not complete a course for the academic year in the CTE Pathway specified in the SCTE file, then remove the student's record from the SCTE file. If the student is a completer in that CTE Pathway, ensure you have submitted at least one SCSC record with a Course Section ID at the same Reporting LEA for the student that is mapped to a CRS-State Course Code in a CRSC record that can then be mapped to the same CTE Pathway specified for the student in the SCTE file. Verify that the course completed maps to a state course code whose Capstone Course Indicator (in Course Group Master Compbos) = Yes.
NOTE: For students who are concentrators or completers for multiple pathways in the same academic year, you will have to determine which of the records may be causing the error by analyzing all of the CTE courses submitted for the student and their associated CTE Pathway Codes.
Fields Validated
11.13 - CTE Pathway Code
9.06 - Academic Year ID
9.07 - CRS-State Course Code
9.14 - Course Section ID
10.06 - Academic Year ID
10.14 - Course Section ID