Duplicate STAS Records Submitted for the Same Student at the Same School
SeverityError Description
A student may only have one STAS record at the same school in the same academic year.
Suggested Resolution
Understanding the Error: The Student Absence Summary file submitted contains an absence record for an SSID that already has a STAS record at the same school in the same academic year. Each student must only have one STAS record at a school per academic year.
Things to check for in submission: Verify that the fields listed in the Fields Validated column are correct in the submitted file.
Suggested Resolution: 1) Delete one of the duplicate records and resubmit the file OR 2) If file produced from local SIS, contact vendor/technical resource to determine reason for duplicate record and to determine how to resolve the problem
Fields Validated
13.05 - School of Attendance
13.06 - Academic Year ID
13.07 - SSID
Headache Factor