Invalid CTE Pathway Completion Academic Year ID For Academic Year
SeverityError Description
The CTE Pathway Completion Academic Year ID must match the Academic Year ID
Suggested Resolution
Understanding the Error:
A student is reported as completing a Pathway only once, in the year in which the Pathway was completed. Thus only those CTE Completers who have completed their CTE Pathway in the Reporting Year being reported should have a record submitted indicating CTE Pathway completion. If a student completed a CTE Pathway in a prior Reporting Year, information for that Pathway should not be submitted for the current Reporting Year.
Things to check for in submission:
Verify the year that the student actually completed the CTE Pathway.
Suggested Resolution:
1) If the student completed the CTE Pathway in the current Reporting Year, then change the CTE Pathway Completion Academic Year ID so that it matches the Academic Year ID.
2) If the student completed the CTE Pathway in a prior Reporting Year, deleted the record; it should have been submitted in the prior Reporting Year.
Fields Validated
11.06 Academic Year ID
11.14 CTE Pathway Completion Academic Year ID
Headache Factor
0242 - 242 - Academic Year - CALPADS - End of Year - EOY - ERROR - Invalid CTE Pathway Completion - SCTE0242 - Student Career Tech Education - Student Technical Career Education
Solution Rating