Staff Demographics Missing
SeverityFATAL error - Must be corrected in order to post the record and/or certify your data.
Error Description
A Course Section includes a SEID for which there is no demographic information.
Suggested Resolution
Understanding the Error: A staff member assigned to a course section does not have have a corresponding Staff Demographic record. A Staff Demographic record is required unless the SEID in the Course Section record is "9999999999".
Suggested Resolution: Submit a Staff Demographic record for the staff member whose SEID appears in the Course Section record.
Fields Validated
9.16 SEID
Headache Factor

054 - 54 - CALPADS - CERT - Cert Error - CERT054 - Certification Error - Certification Error EOY 1 2 3 - End of Year - End of Year 1 - EOY - EOY 1 2 3 - EOY1 - ERROR - SEID - Staff Demographics - STUDENT
Solution Rating