No Enrollment For Course Section
SeverityError Description
A course section does not have any associated student course section records.
In other words, you've uploaded a record using the crse file upload but there are no records of any students enrolled in that section.
Suggested Resolution
1) Verify that the Course Section record is correct (i.e. verify that the Local Course ID, Course Section ID, and Academic Term in the Student Course Section records are correct for the School of Course Delivery and Academic Year). These elements tie the Course Section record to the Student Course Section record. If one or more of these elements is not valid, correct the record(s).
If this does not eliminate the error, determine if a Student Course Section record was submitted for which no Course Section was found. (Check to see if CERT083 error has occurred and determine if the Student Course Section record(s) generating it belong to this Course Section Record.) If the student course section belongs to this course section, correct the Student Course Section record so that it contains the same Local Course ID, Course Section ID, Academic Term, etc. as this Course Section record.
2) Verify that if a SEID (9.16) has more than one job classifications (8.14) and one of them is Itinerant (code 27) and the other is Teacher (code 12) and both are tied to the same Course Section record then only the Course Section record with job classification is Teacher (code 12) should have a corresponding Student Course Section record.
If none of the above eliminate the error, either submit Student Course Section records for this Course Section or remove the Course Section record.
3) Remember to upload your Fall 2 files in the proper order (SDEM, SASS, CRSE, SCSE) - see image below for more info.
4) When any piece of data is wrong, it creates a sort of "cascade effect" of additional errors. So make sure to check each teacher's SEID # for accuracy, then match up the course and section data to match that teacher's number.
Fields Validated
Headache Factor

079 - CALPADS - CERT - CERT079 - Certification Error - Course Section - ERROR - FALL 2 - No Enrollment
Solution Rating