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Missing Title I Targeted Assistance Program Records

FATAL error - Must be corrected in order to post the record and/or certify your data.

Error Description

No Student Program records with an Education Program Code of 122 (NCLB Title I Part A Targeted) have been submitted for a school that received Title I Part A Targeted Assistance funding in the Reporting Year.

Suggested Resolution


Understanding the Error: The school received Title I Part A Targeted Assistance for the Reporting Year, but there are no Student Program records for students in that program.

Suggested Resolution: Submit the appropriate Student Program records (SPRG) for students in the NCLB Title I Part A Targeted program.


Additional Information about Title 1 Targeted:


A Title I school, that does not have a poverty percentage of 40 or above, and that the school did not apply for and receive approval for a schoolwide program (SWP) waiver from their local governing board, is to operate a Targeted Assistance Schools (TAS) program, a default model of Title I, Part A programs. The purpose of a TAS is to:

  • Provide services to eligible children identified by the school as failing, or most at risk of failing, to meet the state's academic content standards.
  • Supplement the services that would be provided by nonfederal sources, in the absence of the Title I, Part A, funds.
  • Support methods and instructional strategies that are proven to be effective, and that strengthen the core curriculum.

Eligible Students for TAS Services

Eligible students for Title I, Part A services in a TAS are [ESSA Section 1115(c)]:

  • Students who are not older than 21 and are not yet at grade level, as well as those who are identified by the school as failing, or most at risk of failing, to meet the challenging State academic standards.
  • Students in grades two or above are selected on the basis of multiple, educationally related, objective criteria established by the local educational agency (LEA) and supplemented by the school.
  • Students in preschool through grade two are selected solely on the criteria, including objective criteria, established by the LEA and supplemented by the school.
  • Students who are:
    • Economically disadvantaged
    • English learners
    • Homeless
    • With disabilities
    • Migrant
  • Students who have participated in Head Start or Title I Preschool programs.
  • Students who are neglected and/or delinquent

TAS Program Services

In general, each TAS must use Title I, Part A funds to help participating students meet the State's challenging academic standards. The TAS program should reflect the use of effective teaching methods and instructional strategies that are evidence-based, strengthen the core academic program, and accomplish the following objectives:

  • Help identified students meet the challenging State academic standards, which may include programs, activities, and academic courses necessary to provide a well-rounded education [ESSA Section 1115(b)(2)(A)].
  • Use methods and instructional strategies to strengthen the academic program of the school through activities, which may include:
    • Expanded learning time, before- and afterschool programs, and summer programs and opportunities; and
    • A school wide tiered model to prevent and address behavior problems, and early intervening services, coordinated with similar activities and services carried out under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (20 U.S.C. 1400 et seq.) [ESSA Section 1115(b)(2)(B)].
  • Coordinate with and support the regular education program, which may include services to assist preschool students in the transition from early childhood education programs such as Head Start, the literacy program under subpart 2 of part B of Title II, or State-run preschool programs to elementary school programs [ESSA Section 1115(b)(2)(C)].
  • Use Title I, Part A funds and other resources to provide professional development to teachers, principals, other school leaders, paraprofessionals, and, if appropriate, specialized instructional support personnel, and other school personnel who work with eligible students in programs under this section or in the regular education program [ESSA Section 1115(b)(2)(D)].
  • Implement strategies to increase the involvement of parents of eligible students in accordance with section 1116 [ESSA Section 1115(b)(2)(E)].
  • If appropriate and applicable, coordinate and integrate Federal, State, and local services and programs, such as programs supported under this Act, violence prevention programs, nutrition programs, housing programs, Head Start programs, adult education programs, career and technical education programs, and comprehensive support and improvement activities or targeted support and improvement activities under section 1111(d) [ESSA Section 1115(b)(2)(F)].
  • A TAS school must also:
    • Help provide an accelerated, high-quality curriculum;
    • Minimize the removal of students from the regular classroom during regular school hours for instruction provided by Title I, Part A; and
    • Review, on an ongoing basis, the progress of eligible students and revise the TAS program, if necessary, to provide additional assistance to enable such students to meet the challenging State academic standards [ESSA Section 1115(b)(2)(G)].
  • Integrate professional development of Title I, Part A supported staff into the regular school program and overall school planning and improvement efforts, so they may participate in general professional development and school planning activities [ESSA Section 1115(d)(1)].
  • Title I, Part A supported staff may assume limited duties that are assigned to similar personnel who are not so paid, including duties beyond classroom instruction or that do not benefit participating students, so long as the amount of time spent on such duties is the same proportion of total work time as with respect to similar personnel at the same school [ESSA Section 1115(d)(2)].
  • Title I, Part A funds are allowed to provide simultaneous services to Title I students simultaneously with students with similar educational needs, in the same educational settings where appropriate [ESSA Section 1115(e)(1)].
  • Title I, Part A funds can be used to provide comprehensive services if:
    • Health, nutrition, and other social services are not otherwise available to eligible students and the TAS school, if appropriate, has engaged in a comprehensive needs assessment and established a collaborative partnership with local service providers [ESSA Section 1115(e)(2)(A)].
    • If funds are not reasonably available from other public or private sources to provide such services, then a portion of the Title I, Part A funds may be used as a last resort to provide such services, including [ESSA Section 1115(e)(2)(B)]:
      • Basic medical equipment, such as eyeglasses and hearing aids;
      • Compensation of a coordinator;
      • Family support and engagement services;
      • Integrated student supports; or
      • Professional development necessary to assist teachers, specialized instructional support personnel, other staff, and parents in identifying and meeting the comprehensive needs of eligible students.
  • A TAS secondary school may use Title I, Part A funds to provide dual or concurrent enrollment program services to eligible students who are identified as having the greatest need for special assistance [ESSA Section 1115(f)].


Title I, Part A Schoolwide Programs

Single Plan for Student Achievement Guide

Provides information about the Single Plan for Student Achievement

U.S. Department of Education Resources

Every Student Succeeds Act (PDF)

Target Assistance Programs (PDF)  

Headache Factor


097 - 97 - CALPADS - CERT - CERT EOY 2 - CERT097 - Certification Error - Certification Error EOY 1 2 3 - EOY 2 - EOY2 - ERROR - STUDENT - Title I - Title I Targeted Assistance Program

Solution Rating
4.5/5 rating (2 votes)

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