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Course Section Missing Education Service Code

FATAL error - Must be corrected in order to post the record and/or certify your data.

Error Description

The Education Service Code field (9.20) is not populated for a course section in which English Learners are enrolled.

Suggested Resolution

Understanding the Error
The system is checking to make sure that if there are any English Learner students enrolled in course that the Education Service Code is populated. 
Things to check in the submission:
Verify that the course section is delivering an EL Service and ensure that the strategy code is populated with the correct code. If the course section is not delivering an EL service, populate with code 5 - No English Learner Services. 
Suggested Resolution:
Populate the Education Service Code with a valid value (1,2,3,4,5 or 6)
Valid Code ValueNameDefinition
1 Primary Language Instruction and Designated and Integrated English Language Development (ELD) Instruction This course section provides primary language instruction and designated and integrated ELD. Primary language instruction is an approach used to teach academic courses in and/or through a language other than English. The curriculum must be equivalent to that provided to fluent English proficient (FEP) and native speakers of English. Designated ELD is an academic subject of English language instruction leading to English language proficiency. Integrated ELD is an approach designed for English learners focused on making academic courses normally provided to FEP and native English speakers comprehensible, while increasing English language proficiency. All services in this course section must be provided by a teacher with the appropriate EL authorizations.
2 Designated ELD Instruction Only This course section provides designated ELD instruction. Designated ELD is an academic subject of English language instruction leading to English language proficiency. Instruction must be provided by a teacher with the appropriate EL authorizations.
3 Integrated ELD Instruction Only This course section provides only integrated ELD, which is an approach designed for English learners focused on making academic courses normally provided to FEP and native English speakers comprehensible, while increasing English language proficiency. Instruction must be provided by a teacher with the appropriate EL authorizations.
4 Designated and Integrated ELD Instruction But Not Primary Language Instruction This course section provides designated and integrated ELD instruction but NOT Primary Language Instruction. Designated ELD is an academic subject of English language instruction appropriate for the student's identified level of language proficiency. Integrated ELD is an approach used to teach academic courses to English learners in English. Integrated ELD must be designed for English learners and focused on the comprehensibility of the academic courses normally provided to FEP and native English speakers in the district, while increasing English language acquisition. All services in this course section must be provided by a teacher with the appropriate EL authorizations.
5 No English Learner Services This course section does not provide any instructional services designed for English learners to learn English or access to the core curriculum. The local educational agency (LEA) has documentation on file for students in this course section to demonstrate the parents have chosen to opt out of such services. The LEA remains obligated to take affirmative steps to provide access and inform parents of any lack of progress and offer further opportunities to enroll the students in an EL program.
6 Other English Learner Service This course section is providing some type of instructional service that, while specifically designed for English learners, is an instructional service that is not narrowly defined in the other EL services (Primary Language Instruction, designated and integrated ELD). These instructional services vary either quantitatively or qualitatively from the other EL services. Instruction must be provided by a teacher with the appropriate EL authorizations.

Fields Validated

9.20 - Education Service Code

12.13 - English Language Acquisition Status Code


Solution Rating
3.7/5 rating (3 votes)

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