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Certification Reports (41)

Support Reports (73)

1.0a - Expected Schools Information

Displays a list of schools for an LEA within the current Academic Year with flags indicating if they are expected to submit specific data types for each CALPADS data submission.

1.1 - Enrollment - Primary Status by Subgroup

Reports the enrollment count of students by specific student subgroups at the school level

1.2 - Enrollment - Primary Status Student List

Reports the students included in the school level counts on Report 1.1 Enrollment – Primary Status by Subgroups

1.3 - Enrollment - Primary Status Disaggregated

Reports the enrolled students by Grade within Ethnicity/Race and Gender who are included in the school level counts on Report 1.1 Enrollment - Primary Status by Subgroups

1.4 - Enrollment - State View

Reports the statewide count of enrolled students at the school level by grade within Race and Gender. The counts are disaggregated by Ethnicity/Race as well as Gender and Grade. This report is available during and after the Fall 1 certification window.

1.5 - Enrollment - By Status Disaggregated

Reports the count and percentage of enrolled students according to their enrollment status. The counts are disaggregated by Ethnicity/Race as well as Gender and Grade.

1.6 - Graduates and Dropouts by Subgroup

Reports the number of students submitted by the LEA as Graduates by subgroup as well as the number of students submitted by the LEA for the Dropout Count by subgroup. Note: The count of student program records are based on the graduate/dropout date range regardless of whether the record is owned by the school being reported.

1.7 - Graduates by Subgroup - Student List

Reports the list of students counted as Graduates in Report 1.6 Graduates and Dropouts by Subgroup

1.8 - Dropouts by Subgroup - Student List

Reports the list of students counted as Dropouts in Report 1.6 Graduates and Dropouts by Subgroup

1.9 - Completers and Dropouts - Count

Reports the Dropouts and Successful HS Completers counts by category

1.10 - Completers and Dropouts - Student List

Reports the students included in the school level counts on report 1.9 - Completers and Dropouts. The following completers are included: Graduates, Graduates who met UC/CSE Requirements, student who passed the CHSPE, students who received a GED, and students who received a Special Education Certificate of Completion. Note: The count of student program records are based on the completer/dropout date range regardless of whether the record is owned by the school being reported.

1.11 - Completer Exits - Count Disaggregated

Reports the number of Successful High School Completer Exits from the specified school year according by their completion status category. The completer exits are disaggregated by Ethnicity/Race as well as Gender.

1.12 - Dropouts - Count Disaggregated

Reports the number of students the LEA submitted as dropouts (Other Dropouts and No Show Same School Dropouts) by Ethnicity/Race within Grade and Gender.

1.13 - Exits - Count Disaggregated

Reports the number of students who withdrew from the specified school year according to their exit category. The exits are disaggregated by ethnicity/race as well as gender.

1.14 - Dropouts - State View

Reports the official/statewide count of dropouts by Ethnicity/Race within Grade and Gender. The LEA’s dropout count is adjusted for Lost Transfers and Re-enrolled Dropouts, both Other Dropouts and No Show Same School Dropouts. This report is available during and after the Fall 1 certification window.

1.17 - FRPM - EL Foster - Count

Reports the count of students in categories that are eligible for local supplemental funding dollars based upon demographics as of Fall 1 Census Day. Totals by school and totals by LEA with drill down links to student list for each school. Eligibility is determined based on students qualifying for Free or Reduced Price Meals, being classified as English Learners, or being identified as Foster Youth. (Students may qualify for consideration under multiple categories.) The report provides Duplicated Counts (for those students qualified by multiple criteria) and Unduplicated Counts by school where a student is counted only 1 time per school. User must possess the Free and Reduced role in order to view/run this report.

1.18 - FRPM EL Foster - Student List

Lists students that meet the eligibility criteria LCFF Supplemental Funding. Eligibility is based on three main subgroups: Free and Reduced Price meals, Foster Youth (although details are not displayed on this report for foster data supplied by CDSS), and certain English Learners.User must possess the “Free and Reduced” role in order to view/run this report.

1.19 - COE LCFF - Count

Reports the count of students enrolled in the County Office of Education as of Fall 1 Census Day, divided between County Funded transfers and District Funded transfers determined by the Student School Transfer Code populated for each student. Within the County Funded and District Funded categories, the report provides an unduplicated count of students who are eligible for supplemental funding under the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). Totals are reported for each County Office of Education by students’ District of Geographic Residence, charters authorized by the county that are operating county programs, and Juvenile Court School programs operated by the county and charter schools. There are two purposes for this report: 1) COE CALPADS personnel in conjunction with COE fiscal personnel will certify the counts of students who are County Funded Transfers vs. those who are District Funded Transfers; and 2) COE Fiscal personnel will review and confirm District Funded student counts and their demographics with personnel from transferring districts (districts of geographic residence). The counts certified in this report will be used to calculate COE and district supplemental and concentration grant funding under the LCFF.

1.20 - COE LCFF- Student List

Reports the students enrolled in County Office of Education (COE) Non-Juvenile Court schools, Charter schools authorized by the COE operating county programs, COE Juvenile Court Schools, and County Charter Juvenile Court schools as of Fall 1 Census Day. Data is reported for each students’ District of Geographic Residence, Student School Transfer Category, and demographic and program data used in qualifying a student eligible for supplemental funding under the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF).

1.21 - Cumulative Enrollment - Count

Reports the cumulative enrollment for the academic year. The total primary, secondary, and short-term enrollment counts are grouped and certified census day enrollment count is provided for comparison.

1.22 Graduates and Completers Count

Reports the number of students submitted by the LEA as Regular High School Diploma Graduates, CHSPE Completers, Adult Education High School Diplomas, Special Education Certificate of Completion, General Education Completers for the selected Academic Year.

1.23 Graduates and Completers Student List

Reports the list of students submitted by the LEA as Regular High School Diploma Graduates, CHSPE Completers, Adult Education High School Diplomas, Special Education Certificate of Completion, General Education Completers for the selected Academic Year.

1.24 Dropouts by Subgroup

Reports the number of students submitted by the LEA as Dropouts by subgroup. Dropout counts are based on students who exited during the prior academic year.

2.1 - Title III Eligible Immigrants - Count

Reports the total number of enrolled Title III Eligible Immigrants by School as of the Spring 1 Census Day. The selected academic year Fall Census and Spring Census counts are displayed.

2.2 - Title III Eligible Immigrants - Count by Birth Country

Reports the total number of enrolled Title III Eligible Immigrants by School as of the Spring 1 Census Day. The selected academic year Fall Census and Spring Census counts are displayed.

2.4 - English Learner Education Services - Student Count Unduplicated

Reports the unduplicated number of English Learners (ELs) and the number of ELs who are receiving EL Education Services. The count is reported by Education Service type as of Fall 2 Census Day.

2.5 - English Learner Education Services - Unduplicated Count of Teachers Providing EL Services

Reports the unduplicated count of Teachers providing English Language Education Services to English Learners (ELs) as of Fall 2 Census Day

2.6 - English Learner - Count by Primary Language

Reports the number of English Learners as of Fall 2 Census Day. The count is reported at the school level by grade level within Primary Home Language. It aggregates school level data to the LEA level.

2.7 - English Learner Education Services - Student List

Reports all English Learner students as of the Fall 2 Census Day and identifies the EL Education Services received, if any.

2.8 - English Language Acquisition Status - Count by Primary Language

Reports a count of enrolled students in specific English Language Acquisition Status (ELAS) categories at the school level by grade level within Primary Language. School level data is aggregated to the LEA level

2.9 - English Language Acquisition Status - Census Comparison

Reports an unduplicated count of enrolled English Learners (EL) and Fluent English Proficient (FEP) students at the school level for the previous academic year English Language Acquisition Status (ELAS) count and the selected academic year ELAS count based on Spring 1 data. School level data are aggregated to the LEA level

2.10 - English Language Acquisition Status - Census Comparison Student List

Lists the students who are included in the Spring 1 English Language Acquisition Status (ELAS) count for the selected year. The report indicates their English Language Acquisition Status in the school year selected and in the school year prior to the selected year. Included is an indication of whether a student classified RFEP scored proficient or advanced for three cumulative years on the English Language Arts standards test.The students in this report are the same students in Report 2.9 who were aggregated into the selected year count. For these students, the selected year data reported were valid on Fall or Spring (for submissions prior to 2013-2014) Census Day of the selected Academic Year

2.11 - English Learner Instructional Plan - Count of ELs by Instructional Strategy

Reports the unduplicated count of English Learners who are enrolled in course sections with an EL Instructional Plan, by the Instructional Strategy used in the delivery of the course content as of the Fall 2 Report Period

2.12 - English Language Acquisition Status - ELs Reclassified RFEP

Reports the number of English Learners (ELs) Reclassified Fluent English Proficient (RFEP) one day after previous Fall 1 census day through the current Fall 1 census day by the school in which the reclassification occurred, including closed schools. If a student was reclassified multiple times at the same school, only the most recent reclassification is reported. Students who were reclassified multiple times at different schools are duplicated in the aggregation to the Total-Selected schools. Note: Only K-12 students with an Enrollment Status of Primary are included. The data for these students (i.e.Demographics, ELAS Start Date, etc.) are reported from the Student Information record used to identify the reclassification

2.13 - English Language Acquisition Status - ELs Reclassified RFEP Student List

Lists the students with an English Language Acquisition Status (ELAS) of EL who were reclassified RFEP at the selected school since the previous census (i.e. day after previous year Spring Census Day through selected year Spring Census Day). The students are the same students who are aggregated into the count on Report 2.12 - English Language Acquisition Status - ELs Reclassified RFEP. This includes students not counted in the selected year census and/or in the previous year census. The status of these reclassified students in the school’s ELAS count for the selected year is also reported.If a student was reclassified multiple times at the same school during the Report Period, the student is counted only once for that school using the most recent reclassification information. Students who were reclassified multiple times at different schools are reported for each school. The Student data reported (i.e. grade, ELAS Start Date, etc.) were selected from the Student Information record used to identify the reclassification. The Program data reported (Migrant, Special Ed, etc) were selected from the Education Program records for the reporting school with Education Program Membership Dates that overlap the enrollment at any time during the Report Period, regardless of Education Program Membership Code.

2.14 Language Instruction Program - Count

Reports the unduplicated count of K-12 students with Education Program Codes of 300-307 (Language Instruction Programs) as of Census Day

2.15 Language Instruction Program - Student List Report

Reports a list of students with Education Program Codes of 300-307 (Language Instruction Programs) as of Census Day.

2.17 - English Language Acquisition Status EL RFEP EOY 3

Lists the students with an English Language Acquisition Status (ELAS) of EL who were reclassified as RFEP at the selected school during the Academic Year by the school where the reclassification occurred, including closed schools.

3.1 - Class Size - by Content Area

Reports number of classes, class enrollment and average class size by content area category for each school as of Fall 2 Report Period.

3.2 - Class Enrollment - by Content Area

eports class size by content area category as of Fall 2 Report Period. Students are disaggregated into ethnicity/race categories.

3.3 - Class Enrollment - Student List

Reports list of students, active as of Fall 2 Report Period, in each class by course section and by school

3.6 - Course Section Enrollment - Count by Content Area

Reports the number of course sections of each Local Course within a State Course Code and the number of students enrolled in each local course as of the Fall 2 Report Period. Also reports details about all courses by State Course Code and identified local courses mapped to the state code.

3.7 - Course Section Enrollment - Count and Details

Reports the details of local course sections by Content Area and State Course Code as of Fall 2 Report Period. Included are education services, language of instruction, instructional strategy, education program fund source and course section enrollment.

3.8 - Course Section Enrollment - Student List

Reports a list of students in each course section and class by school who are active as of the Fall 2 Report Period.

3.9 - Course Sections Completed - Count and Details for Dept. Courses

Reports number of departmentalized course sections for each Course within Content Area. (LEAs are instructed to submit those course sections that began during the Reporting Year (i.e. Academic Year), regardless of when they were completed.) For each course, it includes the number of students who completed at least one course section of the course. (Note: a student in multiple course sections related to one local course ID is counted only once).Student Program Data are selected for each unique Education Program Code, from the most recent SPRG record for the school and SSID that contains that unique Education Program Code and with Education Program Membership Start Date and Education Program Membership End Dates that overlap a qualifying enrollment at the school during the Report Period, regardless of Education Program Membership Code.Note: This report is the course completion equivalent of the Fall 2 Report 3.6 Course Section Enrollment – Count by Content Area.

3.10 - Course Sections Completed - Count and Details for Dept. Courses

Reports the details of completed local course sections by State Course Code within Content Area as well as the number of students who completed each course section (LEAs are instructed to submit those course sections that began during the Reporting Year (i.e. Academic Year), regardless of when they were completed.) A student who completed multiple course sections relating to the same Local Course ID is counted in each course section. Student Information (SINF) data presented are the most recent data associated with the most recent qualifying enrollment at the school during the Report Period. Student Program Data presented are selected, for each unique Education Program Code, from the most recent SPRG record for the school and SSID that contains that unique Education Program Code and with Education Program Membership Start Date and Education Program Membership End Dates that overlap a qualifying enrollment at the school during the Report Period, regardless of Education Program Membership Code.Note: This report is the course completion equivalent of the Fall 2 Report 3.7 Course Section Enrollment – Count and Details

3.11 - Course Sections completed - Student List for Dept. Courses

Reports list of students in each completed course section by school with final completion information (i.e. marking period, credits attempted, credits earned, and final grade). (LEAs are instructed to submit those course sections that began during the Reporting Year (i.e. Academic Year), regardless of when they were completed.) Student Information (SINF) data presented are the most recent data associated with the most recent qualifying enrollment at the school during the Report Period. Student Program Data presented are selected, for each unique Education Program Code, from the most recent SPRG record for the school and SSID that contains that unique Education Program Code and with Education Program Membership Start Date and Education Program Membership End Dates that overlap a qualifying enrollment at the school during the Report Period, regardless of Education Program Membership Code.Note: This report is the course section completion equivalent of Report 3.8 Course Section Enrollment – Student List.

3.14 - Career Technical Education Concentrators and Completers - Count by Pathway

Reports the total number of CTE Concentrators and Completers by Pathway and CTE Course at the school level, by gender. School level data is also aggregated at the LEA level. The number of Concentrators and Completers within each Core Indicator group are also counted.Data Views/Type: Snapshot / Supporting (EOY 1)

3.15 - Career Technical Education Concentrators and Completers - Student list

Lists Career Technical Education (CTE) Concentrators and Completers and the Pathway they are pursuing. Also provides core indicators on these students.

3.16 - Educational Options Course Completion - Count of Students

Reports the number of students who have completed Educational Options courses during the Report Period. A student who completed multiple course sections with one or more of these Educational Options course attributes is counted only once in a school. Student Information (SINF) data presented are based on the most recent enrollment during the Academic Year. Student Program Data presented are selected, for each unique Education Program Code, from the most recent SPRG record for the school and SSID that contains that unique Education Program Code and with Education Program Membership Start Date and Education Program Membership End Dates that overlap a qualifying enrollment at the school during the Report Period, regardless of Education Program Membership Code.

3.17 - Career Technical Education NonConcentrators- Count by Industry Sector

Reports the total number of CTE NonConcentrator Participants by Industry Sector at the school level, by gender. School level data is also aggregated at the LEA level. The number of Non-Concentrators within each Core Indicator group are also counted. A student may have CTE course completions records in more than one CTE Industry Sector for the Reporting Year. Count the student in each Industry Sector.Only students who have a completed CTE course and who do NOT have an associated SCTE record should be included in this report. (Student could appear on this report [for CTE courses not part of a declared pathway] and also on report 3.14 [for courses associated with a declared pathway]). For counting within a Core Indicator, unduplicate at the Industry Sector and School level, EXCEPT for Nontraditional Course Enrollment.For Nontraditional Course Enrollment only, count students where student gender = gender specified in CTE Non-Traditional Gender for State Group Course Code in each course for which a nontraditional gender has been established. Do not unduplicate at the industry, school, or LEA.

3.18 - Career Technical Education Non Concentrators- Student List

Lists Career Technical Education (CTE) Non-Concentrator Participants and the courses they have completed. Also provides core indicators on these students. This report displays CTE courses where the student has not declared a CTE Pathway (no SCTE record). Display one row for each CTE course completed. A student may have CTE course completions records in more than one CTE Industry Sector for the Reporting Year. Count the student in each Industry Sector.Only students who have a completed CTE course and who do NOT have an associated SCTE record should be included in this report. (Student could appear on this report [for CTE courses not part of a declared pathway] and also on report 3.15 [for courses associated with a declared pathway]). For reporting within a Core Indicator, unduplicate at the Industry Sector and School level, EXCEPT for Nontraditional Course Enrollment. For Nontraditional Course Enrollment only, count students where student gender = gender specified in CTE Non-Traditional Gender for State Group Course Code in each course for which a nontraditional gender has been established. Do not unduplicate at the industry, school, or LEA.

3.19 Career Technical Education Completers - Count by Pathway

Reports the total number of CTE Completers by Pathway at the school level, by gender. School level data is also aggregated at the LEA level. In addition, the number of Completers within each Core Indicator group are counted.

3.20 Career Technical Education Completers - Student List

Lists Career Technical Education (CTE) Completers and the Pathway they are pursuing. Also provides code indicators on these students.

4.1 - Staff - Count and FTE by Job Classification

Reports number of staff and total FTE by job classification active for the Fall 2 Report Period. Included are SEIDs employed as of Census Day and, for school tracks that are not in session on Census Day, SEIDs employed as of the first day that a track is in session within 30 days after Census Day. Reported is certificated staff in the following job classifications: Administrators, Pupil Services, Teachers, and Itinerant or Pull-out/Push-In Teachers as well as non-certificated staff, who have a SEID, in the following job classifications: Non-certificated Administrator and Charter School Non-certificated Teacher and for snapshot only Non-Classroom based or Support Assignment Codes 1-7 does not equal 6018 (Employee of Leave).

4.2 - Staff - Count and FTE by Job Classification Disaggregated

Reports number of staff and total FTE by job classification active for the Fall 2Report Period by race and ethnicity. Included are SEIDs employed as of Census Day and, for school tracks that are not in session on Census Day, SEIDs employed as of the first day that a track is in session within 30 days after Census Day. Reported is certificated staff in the following job classifications: Administrators, Pupil Services, Teachers, and Itinerant or Pull-out/Push-In Teachers as well as non-certificated staff, who have a SEID, in the following job classifications: Non-certificated Administrator and Charter School Non-certificated Teacher and for snapshot only Non-Classroom based or Support Assignment Codes 1-7 does not equal 6018 (Employee of Leave).

4.3 - Staff Teaching Assignments - Detail

Reports the teaching assignments for SEIDs reported as active for the Fall 2 Report Period. Included are SEIDs employed as of Census Day and, for school tracks that are not in session on Census Day, SEIDs employed as of the first day that a track is in session within 30 days after Census Day. Reported is certificated staff in the following job classifications: Teachers (10), Itinerant or Pull-out/Push-In Teachers (26) and Charter School Non-certificated Teachers (27) and for snapshot only Non-Classroom based or Support Assignment Codes 1-7 does not equal 6018 (Employee of Leave).

4.4 - Staff Profile - List

Reports demographics, employment status, and FTE by job classification for each SEID active as of Fall 2 Report Period. This includes SEIDs employed as of Census Day and, for school tracks that are not in session on Census Day, SEIDs employed as of the first day that a track is in session within 30 days after Census Day. Reported is certificated staff in the following job classifications: Administrators, Pupil Services, Teachers, and Itinerant or Pull-out/Push-In Teachers as well as non-certificated staff, who have a SEID, in the following job classifications: Non-certificated Administrator and Charter School Non-certificated Teacher and for snapshot only Non-Classroom based or Support Assignment Codes 1-7 does not equal 6018 (Employee of Leave).

4.5 - Staff Non Classroom Based or Support Assignment - Detail

Reports the staff assignments for SEIDs employed as of Fall 2 Report Period and, for school tracks that are not in session on Census Day, for SEIDs employed as of the first day that a track is in session within 30 days after Census Day. Reported is certificated staff in the following job classifications: Administrators, Pupil Services, Teachers, and Itinerant or Pull-out/Push-In Teachers as well as non-certificated staff, who have a SEID, in the following job classifications: Non-certificated Administrator and Charter School Non-certificated Teacher and for snapshot only Non-Classroom based or Support Assignment Codes 1-7 does not equal 6018 (Employee of Leave).

5.1 - Program Participants - Count

Reports the total number of K-12 (KN, 01-12, UE, US) students who participated in the following programs: o Opportunity Program (108)o California Partnership Academy (113)o Pregnant and Parenting Programs (162)o CAHSEE Intensive Instruction (180)o Transitional Kindergarten (185)o NCLB Title I Part A Basic Targeted (122)o NCLB Title 1 Part A Neglected (174)o NCLB Title I Part A Basic School-wideReports the total number of K-12 (KN, 01-12, UE, US) students who are eligible or participated in the following program: o 504 Accommodation Plan (101)SSID Enrollment (e.g. Enrollment Status) and Student Information data (e.g. grade) presented on the report are associated with the most recent qualifying enrollment at the school during the Report Period being reported. The Education Program Membership Start Date and End Date for a student must be associated to an enrollment record during the Academic Year to be included in the count for a school

5.1a - Free or Reduced Price Meal Eligibility - Count

Eligibility is based on Program Records, Direct Certification and on Primary Residence (. Students may qualify for free lunch under multiple conditions but only qualify for Reduced Price Lunch by membership in program 182.The report provides duplicated counts (for those students qualified by multiple criteria) and Unduplicated Counts for Free Lunch by school where a student is counted only 1 time per school. User must possess the Free and Reduced role in order to view/run this report.

5.2 - Program Participants - NCLB Title I Part A Basic Targeted Education Services

Reports the number of students with a qualifying enrollment (open enrollment, Grade Level = KN, 01-12, UE, US, Enrollment Status = all valid) during the Academic Year who received each of the Education Services for the NCLB Title I Part A Basic Targeted program (122) at any time during the Academic Year. Note: Students in a Title 1 Part A Basic School-wide school are not included:The SSID Enrollment (e.g. Enrollment Status) and Student Information data (e.g. Grade Level) reported or used for selecting student subgroups are associated with the most recent qualifying enrollment at the school during the Academic Year being reported. Student Program data used for selecting student subgroups (e.g. Special Education) are selected from the most recent program record for the school that overlaps the most recent qualifying enrollment at the school during the Report Period, regardless of when the reported program participation occurred.

5.3 - Program Participants - Student List

Reports the K-12 (KN, 01-12, UE, US) students who participated in the following programs: o California Partnership Academy (113)o Pregnant or Parenting Programs (162)o CAHSEE Intensive Instruction (180 (available only for academic years prior to 2015-2016).o Transitional Kindergarten (185)o NCLB Title I Part A Basic Targeted (122)o NCLB Title 1 Part A Neglected (174)o Opportunity Program (108)Reports the total number of K-12 (KN, 01-12, UE, US) students who are eligible or participated in the following program: 504 Accommodation Plan (101)Student Enrollment (SENR) data (e.g. Enrollment Status) and Student Information (SINF) data (e.g. grade) reported or used for selecting student subgroups are selected from the most recent data associated with the most recent qualifying enrollment at the school during the Report Period, regardless of when the program participation occurred at the school. Student Program (SPRG) data used for selecting student subgroups (e.g. Gifted and Talented, Socio-economically Disadvantaged) are selected from the most recent SPRG record for the school that overlaps the most recent qualifying enrollment at the school during the Report Period, regardless of when the reported program participation occurred.

5.3a - Free or Reduced Price Meal Eligibility - Student List

Lists students that are eligible for Free and Reduced Price meals. Eligibility is based on Program Records, Direct Certification and on Primary Residence. Students may qualify for free lunch under multiple conditions but only qualify for Reduced Price Lunch by membership in program 182.

5.4 - Homeless Students Enrolled - Unduplicated Count by School

Reports the total number of TD--12 (TD, PS, KN, 01-12, UE, US) students who were reported as Homeless .The report has two separate sections: The first section is a summary by grade for the sum of all selected schools. The second section provides a summary by grade for each of the selected schools. SSID Enrollment (e.g. Enrollment Status) and Student Information data (e.g. grade) presented on the report are associated with the most recent qualifying enrollment at the school during the Report Period being reported.

5.5 - Homeless - Student List

Reports the TD-12 (TD, PS, KN, 01-12, UE, US) students who were reported as Homeless SSID Enrollment (e.g. Enrollment Status) and Student Information data (e.g. grade) presented on the report are associated with the most recent qualifying enrollment at the school during the Report Period being reported.

5.6 - Foster Youth Enrolled - Count

Reports the total number of K-12 (KN, 01-12, UE, US) students who are currently identified by the CDSS Foster Youth Data Matching Process as being in foster care (Foster Placement or Foster Family Maintenance). The report is sorted by School Name and Grade Level. The report is designed to only show students that are currently foster youth on the Report “As of” date. NOTE: The “As of Date” is static. Results are “As of” the current date. There is no historical data associated with this report.The report has two separate sections: 1) The first section is a summary by grade for the sum of all selected schools and 2) The second section provides a summary by grade for each of the selected schools.

5.7 - Foster Youth Enrolled - Student List

Reports the K-12 (KN, 01-12, UE, US) students who are currently identified by the CDSS Foster Youth Data Matching Process as being in foster care (Foster Placement or Foster Family Maintenance). The report is sorted by County of Jurisdiction (name), County of Enrollment (name), LEA Name, School Name, Grade Level and Student Name. The report is designed to only show students that are currently foster youth on the Report “As of” date. NOTE: The “As of Date” is static. Results are “As of” the current date. There is no historical data associated with this report.

5.8 - Former Foster Youth Enrolled - Count

Reports the total count and total unduplicated K-12 (KN, 01-12, UE, US) students who were formerly foster by school and grade level. Students are considered former foster when they had been identified as foster at some point during the current academic year but are no longer foster on the report “as of” date. Former foster are identified by a LCFF Foster End Date.The report has two separate sections: 1) The first section is a summary by grade for the sum of all selected schools and 2) The second section provides a summary by grade for each of the selected schools.

5.9 - Former Foster Youth- Student List

Reports the K-12 (KN, 01-12, UE, US) students who were formerly foster by school. Students are considered former foster when they had been identified as foster at some point during the current academic year but are no longer foster on the report “as of” date. Former foster are a LCFF Foster End Date.

7.1 - Discipline Incidents - Count by Most Severe Offense

Reports total number of Discipline Incidents by Most Severe Offense, regardless of student’s Enrollment Status.

7.2 - Discipline Incidents - Student List

Reports students in grades KN, 01-12, UE and US, regardless of enrollment status, who were involved in discipline incidents. Also reports information about each incident, including the disciplinary action taken. SSID Enrollment (e.g. Enrollment Status) and Student Information (e.g. Ethnicity/Race) data are associated with the most recent open enrollment during the Report Period being reported. Student Program data used for selecting student subgroups, such Gifted and Talented, are associated with the most recent enrollment at the school during the Report Period regardless of Program Membership Code and regardless of when the incident occurred.

7.3 - Discipline Actions - Count

Reports the number of students in grades KN, 01-12, UE and US who committed a reportable offense, regardless of enrollment status, by offense. It also reports the number of students receiving each of the disciplinary actions resulting from each offense. Students are disaggregated by gender, ethnicity/race, and offense code.

7.4 - Discipline Actions - Count by Offense

Reports the number of students in grades KN, 01-12, UE and US who committed a reportable offense, regardless of enrollment status, by offense. It also reports the number of students receiving each of the disciplinary actions resulting from each offense. Students are disaggregated by gender, ethnicity/race, and offense code.

7.5 - Discipline Offenses - Student List

Reports students in grades KN, 01-12, UE and US, regardless of enrollment status, who were involved in discipline incidents. Also reports other information about each offense within each incident, including the disciplinary action taken.

7.6 - Discipliary Actions - Persistently Dangerous Offense Expulsions

Reports the counts of K-12 expulsions (for students in grades KN, 01-12, UE and US) for the applicable Persistently Dangerous Schools California Education Code violations.Reports the counts of expulsions for the Persistently Dangerous Schools California Education Code violations. By school, it includes the total number of expulsions, the # of expulsions per 100 enrolled students (based on the selected year’s certified Fall 1 enrollment), and the # of expulsions per offense codes that are applicable in determining At-Risk Schools. It also indicates whether a school is an At-Risk School.

7.7 - Discipline Removals for Students with Disabilities - Count

Reports the number of students with disabilities who were removed from their regular instructional setting for disciplinary reasons, regardless of enrollment status. It also reports the total number of removals and the number of students with disabilities who commit offenses that resulted in no suspension or expulsion, by disability category.

7.8 - Unilateral Removals for Students with Disabilities - Count

Reports the number of students with disabilities (by Primary Disability Category) who were removed from their regular instructional setting to an interim alternative setting for disciplinary reasons, regardless of enrollment status. It also reports the counts of removals to interim alternative setting by federal offense category.

7.9 - Discipline Removals for Students with Disabilities - Student List

Reports students with disabilities who were removed from their regular instructional setting for disciplinary reasons, regardless of enrollment status. It also reports characteristics about each student and each incident including the disciplinary action taken and disciplinary action modifications.

7.10 Incident - Count

Reports the counts of incidents occurring at the LEA by each school of attendance, the number of students involved an incident, the number of students receiving instructional support, and the number of students removed to interim alternative setting. Coun

7.11 Incident Result - Count

Reports an unduplicated count of students and Students with Disabilities by Incident Result type, total of count of each incident result, and the number of incident results that were modified all by School of Attendance.

7.12 Incident Results - Details

Reports students regardless of enrollment status, who were involved in an incident. Also reports information about each incident, including the incident result, duration days, and cumulative duration days.

7.13 Student Offense - Count by Offense

Reports an unduplicated count of students who committed offenses, total count of offenses committed by each offense code, and a breakdown of offenses involving a weapon by gender and ethnicity/race.

7.14 Incidents Offenses - Student List

Reports students regardless of enrollment status, who were involved in an incident. Also reports information about each incident, including the incident result, duration days, and cumulative duration days.

7.15 Incident Actions - Persistently Dangerous Offense Expulsions

Reports the counts of K-12 expulsions for the applicable Persistently Dangerous Schools California Education Code violations. Reports the counts of expulsions for the Persistently Dangerous Schools California Education Code violations. By school, it inclu

7.16 Incident Removals for Students with Disabilities - Count

Reports the number of students with disabilities who were removed from their regular instructional setting for disciplinary reasons, regardless of enrollment status. It also reports the total number of removals and the number of students with disabilities

7.17 Unilateral Removals for Students with Disabilities - Count

Reports the number of students with disabilities (by Primary Disability Category) who were removed from their regular instructional setting to an interim alternative setting for disciplinary reasons, regardless of enrollment status. It also reports the co

7.18 Incident Removals for Students with Disabilities - Student List

Reports students with disabilities who were removed from their regular instructional setting for disciplinary reasons, regardless of enrollment status. It also reports characteristics about each student and each incident including the Incident Results and

8.1 - Student Profile - List

Reports a list of individual student data that supports aggregate views in other reports 8.1 Student Profile – List: Includes Active students on the As Of date

8.1 - Student Profile - List (EOY 3)

Reports a list of individual student data that supports aggregate views in other reports 8.1 Student Profile – List (EOY) : Reports a lists individual student data in support of the Cumulative Enrollment report. Students listed on this report have had an open or closed enrollment record within the LEA at any time during the Academic Year.

8.1a - Student Profile Exits - List

8.1a Student Profile Exits – List: Includes students that exited between the Exit From and Through Date period

8.1b - Student Profile Dropouts - List

8.1b Student Profile Dropouts – List: Includes students reported in all Dropout reports except Report 1.14 Dropouts Count - State View

8.1c - Student Profile Dropouts - State View - List

8.1c Student Profile Dropouts - State View – List: Includes students reported as Dropouts in Report 1.14 Dropouts Count - State View

8.2 - Socio-economically Disadvantaged - Student List

Lists students that are Socio-economically Disadvantaged as determined by either Parent Education information or Free or Reduced Price Meal eligibility. This report is available only to staff who have the Free and Reduced Lunch role.

9.1 - Multiple Identifier (MID) Anomalies Unresolved

Identifies all of a school’s SSIDs that potentially have multiple SSIDs assigned (i.e., MID Anomaly). The SSIDs listed (i.e., MID Set) have exactly matching demographics. The MID Set contains SSIDs in the same school, in another school within the LEA, or in another LEA. All of the MID Sets in which an LEA has SSIDs are reported for the LEA.

10.1 - Exit Reason Discrepancy (ERD) Anomalies

Identifies discrepancies between a student’s enrollment records resulting from inconsistencies between the student’s exit reason and subsequent enrollment status. ERDs are reported by school. The report lists students who are either currently enrolled or have been enrolled in the school and have an ERD associated with the enrollment record listed. The other enrollment record(s) with which the reporting school’s enrollment record has a discrepancy is also listed. Each ERD is categorized by an ERD Warn Type (See Warning Legend below).The report displays the results of the most recent ERD process, which is run nightly against the ODS throughout the Academic Year based on the Reporting Calendar which defines enrollment dates considered for an upcoming Data Submission. The Calendar is displayed on the ERD Resolution screen in SSID Enrollment.

11.1 - Concurrent Enrollment (CCE) Anomalies

Identifies all of a Reporting LEA’s students who have concurrent enrollments during the period for which the report is requested. The report lists all of the Reporting LEA’s enrollment records for a student as well as the enrollment records for the student in other entities that show a concurrent enrollment for the period. The Reporting LEA’s records are listed first, with other LEA’s records following. Each list is ordered descending by Enrollment Start Date.CCE anomalies are reported by school. (1) is displayed next to the enrollment record(s) that includes a census date.The report displays the results of the most recent CCE process, which is run nightly against the ODS throughout the Academic Year based on the Reporting Calendar which defines enrollment dates considered for an upcoming Data Submission. The From and Through dates are displayed on the CCE Resolution screen in SSID Enrollment.

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