7.7 - Discipline Removals for Students with Disabilities - Count
Reports the number of students with disabilities who were removed from their regular instructional setting for disciplinary reasons, regardless of enrollment status. It also reports the total number of removals and the number of students with disabilities who commit offenses that resulted in no suspension or expulsion, by disability category.
Data Elements
School Code
School Name
Disability Category
Total # Student Removals
Total # of Students Removed From Regular Instructional
# of Students That Were Removed (Suspensions)
# of Students Removed to an Interim Alternative Setting (Suspensions)
# of Students That Were Removed (In School Suspension)
# of Students that were Removed to an Interim Alternative Setting (In School Suspension)
# of Students That Were Removed (Expulsions)
# of Students that were Removed to an Interim Alternative Setting (Expulsions)
# of Students Committing Offenses with No Suspension or Expulsion

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Related Links
Used by:Various Reports TBD
- School Code
School Name
Disability Category
Total # Student Removals
Total # of Students Removed From Regular Instructional
# of Students That Were Removed (Suspensions)
# of Students Removed to an Interim Alternative Setting (Suspensions)
# of Students That Were Removed (In School Suspension)
# of Students that were Removed to an Interim Alternative Setting (In School Suspension)
# of Students That Were Removed (Expulsions)
# of Students that were Removed to an Interim Alternative Setting (Expulsions)
# of Students Committing Offenses with No Suspension or Expulsion