4.2 - Staff - Count and FTE by Job Classification Disaggregated
Reports number of staff and total FTE by job classification active for the Fall 2Report Period by race and ethnicity. Included are SEIDs employed as of Census Day and, for school tracks that are not in session on Census Day, SEIDs employed as of the first day that a track is in session within 30 days after Census Day. Reported is certificated staff in the following job classifications: Administrators, Pupil Services, Teachers, and Itinerant or Pull-out/Push-In Teachers as well as non-certificated staff, who have a SEID, in the following job classifications: Non-certificated Administrator and Charter School Non-certificated Teacher and for snapshot only Non-Classroom based or Support Assignment Codes 1-7 does not equal 6018 (Employee of Leave).
Data Elements
School Code
School Name
Ethnicity / Race
# Staff (Unduplicated)
FTE (Unduplicated)
FTE To Staff Ration (Unduplicated)
# Staff (Teachers)
FTE (Teachers)
# Staff (Administrator)
FTE (Administrator)
# Staff (Pupil Services)
FTE (Pupil Services)
# Staff (Charter School Non-Cert Teacher with SEID)
FTE (Charter School Non-Cert Teacher with SEID)
# Staff (Non-Certificated Administrators with SEID)
FTE (Non-Certificated Administrators with SEID)
# Staff (Itinerant or Pull-Out/Push-In Teacher with SEID)
FTE (Itinerant or Pull-Out/Push-In Teacher with SEID)

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Related Links
Used by:Various Reports TBD
- School Code
School Name
Ethnicity / Race
# Staff (Unduplicated)
FTE (Unduplicated)
FTE To Staff Ration (Unduplicated)
# Staff (Teachers)
FTE (Teachers)
# Staff (Administrator)
FTE (Administrator)
# Staff (Pupil Services)
FTE (Pupil Services)
# Staff (Charter School Non-Cert Teacher with SEID)
FTE (Charter School Non-Cert Teacher with SEID)
# Staff (Non-Certificated Administrators with SEID)
FTE (Non-Certificated Administrators with SEID)
# Staff (Itinerant or Pull-Out/Push-In Teacher with SEID)
FTE (Itinerant or Pull-Out/Push-In Teacher with SEID)