3.18 - Career Technical Education Non Concentrators- Student List
Lists Career Technical Education (CTE) Non-Concentrator Participants and the courses they have completed. Also provides core indicators on these students. This report displays CTE courses where the student has not declared a CTE Pathway (no SCTE record). Display one row for each CTE course completed. A student may have CTE course completions records in more than one CTE Industry Sector for the Reporting Year. Count the student in each Industry Sector.Only students who have a completed CTE course and who do NOT have an associated SCTE record should be included in this report. (Student could appear on this report [for CTE courses not part of a declared pathway] and also on report 3.15 [for courses associated with a declared pathway]). For reporting within a Core Indicator, unduplicate at the Industry Sector and School level, EXCEPT for Nontraditional Course Enrollment. For Nontraditional Course Enrollment only, count students where student gender = gender specified in CTE Non-Traditional Gender for State Group Course Code in each course for which a nontraditional gender has been established. Do not unduplicate at the industry, school, or LEA.
Data Elements
School Code
School Name
Student Name
Local ID
Ethnicity / Race
CTE Industry Sector
State Course Code
Individuals with Disabilities
Economically Disadvantaged
Course Enrollment
Single Parents
English Learner

Confidential Data?

Related Links
Used by:Various Reports TBD
- School Code
School Name
Student Name
Local ID
Ethnicity / Race
CTE Industry Sector
State Course Code
Individuals with Disabilities
Economically Disadvantaged
Course Enrollment
Single Parents
English Learner