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Certification Reports (41)

Support Reports (73)

12.1 - SSID Anomaly Status

Presents for each LEA the number of anomalies in each anomaly category and calculates the percentage that the total is of the LEA’s Enrollment for the Report Period. The anomaly categories include Exit Reason Discrepancies (ERD), Concurrent Enrollments (CCE), and Multiple Identifiers (MID). This report presents data that is produced by the scheduled CALPADS Anomaly Process as well as anomalies detected at enrollment (e.g., 14 Day CCE).

14.1 - Student Absenteeism - Count

Reports positive attendance and student absenteeism counts as a percentage of the total cumulative enrollment by school for the LEA.

14.2 - Student Absenteeism - Student List

Reports a student list of positive attendance and student absenteeism by days of expected attendance, days attended and days absent. Absences are totaled by days excused, days unexcused and days missed due to discipline.

16.1 - Students with Disabilities - Education Plan by Primary Disability Count

16.1 - Reports unduplicated counts of Students with Disabilities by Education Plan Type and Primary Disability Category

16.2 Students with Disabilities - Count by Federal Setting

Reports unduplicated counts of Students with Disabilities, and students evaluated for disabilities, within each Primary Disability Category by Federal Setting.

16.5 Students with Disabilities - Student Services by Primary Disability

Reports the counts of students with disabilities by services received and primary disability category

16.6 Students with Disabilities - Student Services Student List

Reports a list of students with disabilities receiving services and associated meeting and plan information.

16.9 Students with Disabilities Program Exits

Reports unduplicated counts of Students with Disabilities by Primary Disability Category that have exited from the Special Education program due to no longer eligible, reaching maximum age, withdrawal, or not receiving parental consent to continue from Pa

16.10 Students with Disabilities Program Exit Student List

Reports unduplicated list of Students with Disabilities by Primary Disability Category that have exited from the Special Education program due to no longer eligible, reaching maximum age, withdrawal, or not receiving parental consent to continue from Part

16.11 Students with Disabilities - Annual Comparison Report

Reports unduplicated count of students with disabilities within each Primary Disability Category as of Fall Census Day in the selected year compared to the prior Academic Year.

17.1 Postsecondary Status Outcome - Count

Reports the total number of CTE completers and CPA students identified in the Postsecondary (PSTS) survey outcome.

17.2 Postsecondary Status Outcome

Captures and reports the postsecondary survey outcomes for CTE/CPA (CA Partnership Academy) students.

17.3 Postsecondary Survey Outcome for SWD's Count

Reports the total number of students with disabilities identified in the Postsecondary (PSTS) survey outcome.

17.4 Postsecondary Status - Student List

Reports the details for students with disabilities identified in the Postsecondary (PSTS) survey outcome.

18.1 Work-Based Learning - Count

Reports the total number of students with a Work-Based Learning record and the count for each Work-Based Learning Type.

18.2 Work-Based Learning - Student List

Reports the total number of students with a Work-Based Learning record and the count for each Work-Based Learning Type.

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