Certification Reports (41)
- 1.1 - Enrollment - Primary Status by Subgroup
- 1.6 - Graduates and Dropouts by Subgroup
- 1.9 - Completers and Dropouts - Count
- 1.21 - Cumulative Enrollment - Count
- 2.1 - Title III Eligible Immigrants - Count
- 2.4 - English Learner Education Services - Student Count Unduplicated
- 2.5 - English Learner Education Services - Unduplicated Count of Teachers Providing EL Services
- 2.8 - English Language Acquisition Status - Count by Primary Language
- 2.9 - English Language Acquisition Status - Census Comparison
- 2.12 - English Language Acquisition Status - ELs Reclassified RFEP
- 3.6 - Course Section Enrollment - Count by Content Area
- 3.10 - Course Sections Completed - Count and Details for Dept. Courses
- 3.14 - Career Technical Education Concentrators and Completers - Count by Pathway
- 3.16 - Educational Options Course Completion - Count of Students
- 4.1 - Staff - Count and FTE by Job Classification
- 5.1 - Program Participants - Count
- 5.4 - Homeless Students Enrolled - Unduplicated Count by School
- 7.1 - Discipline Incidents - Count by Most Severe Offense
- 7.3 - Discipline Actions - Count
- 7.4 - Discipline Actions - Count by Offense
- 7.6 - Discipliary Actions - Persistently Dangerous Offense Expulsions
- 7.7 - Discipline Removals for Students with Disabilities - Count
- 7.8 - Unilateral Removals for Students with Disabilities - Count
- 14.1 - Student Absenteeism - Count
- 16.1 - Students with Disabilities - Education Plan by Primary Disability Count
- 16.2 Students with Disabilities - Count by Federal Setting
- 16.5 Students with Disabilities - Student Services by Primary Disability
Support Reports (73)
- 1.0a - Expected Schools Information
- 1.2 - Enrollment - Primary Status Student List
- 1.3 - Enrollment - Primary Status Disaggregated
- 1.4 - Enrollment - State View
- 1.5 - Enrollment - By Status Disaggregated
- 1.7 - Graduates by Subgroup - Student List
- 1.8 - Dropouts by Subgroup - Student List
- 1.10 - Completers and Dropouts - Student List
- 1.11 - Completer Exits - Count Disaggregated
- 1.12 - Dropouts - Count Disaggregated
- 1.13 - Exits - Count Disaggregated
- 1.14 - Dropouts - State View
- 1.18 - FRPM EL Foster - Student List
- 1.19 - COE LCFF - Count
- 1.20 - COE LCFF- Student List
- 1.23 Graduates and Completers Student List
- 2.2 - Title III Eligible Immigrants - Count by Birth Country
- 2.6 - English Learner - Count by Primary Language
- 2.7 - English Learner Education Services - Student List
- 2.10 - English Language Acquisition Status - Census Comparison Student List
- 2.11 - English Learner Instructional Plan - Count of ELs by Instructional Strategy
- 2.13 - English Language Acquisition Status - ELs Reclassified RFEP Student List
- 2.15 Language Instruction Program - Student List Report
- 2.17 - English Language Acquisition Status EL RFEP EOY 3
- 3.1 - Class Size - by Content Area
- 3.2 - Class Enrollment - by Content Area
- 3.3 - Class Enrollment - Student List
- 3.7 - Course Section Enrollment - Count and Details
- 3.8 - Course Section Enrollment - Student List
- 3.9 - Course Sections Completed - Count and Details for Dept. Courses
- 3.11 - Course Sections completed - Student List for Dept. Courses
- 3.15 - Career Technical Education Concentrators and Completers - Student list
- 3.17 - Career Technical Education NonConcentrators- Count by Industry Sector
- 3.18 - Career Technical Education Non Concentrators- Student List
- 3.20 Career Technical Education Completers - Student List
- 4.2 - Staff - Count and FTE by Job Classification Disaggregated
- 4.3 - Staff Teaching Assignments - Detail
- 4.4 - Staff Profile - List
- 4.5 - Staff Non Classroom Based or Support Assignment - Detail
- 5.1a - Free or Reduced Price Meal Eligibility - Count
- 5.2 - Program Participants - NCLB Title I Part A Basic Targeted Education Services
- 5.3a - Free or Reduced Price Meal Eligibility - Student List
- 5.5 - Homeless - Student List
- 5.6 - Foster Youth Enrolled - Count
- 5.7 - Foster Youth Enrolled - Student List
- 5.8 - Former Foster Youth Enrolled - Count
- 5.9 - Former Foster Youth- Student List
- 7.2 - Discipline Incidents - Student List
- 7.5 - Discipline Offenses - Student List
- 7.9 - Discipline Removals for Students with Disabilities - Student List
- 7.11 Incident Result - Count
- 7.12 Incident Results - Details
- 7.14 Incidents Offenses - Student List
- 7.18 Incident Removals for Students with Disabilities - Student List
- 8.1 - Student Profile - List
- 8.1 - Student Profile - List (EOY 3)
- 8.1a - Student Profile Exits - List
- 8.1b - Student Profile Dropouts - List
- 8.1c - Student Profile Dropouts - State View - List
- 8.2 - Socio-economically Disadvantaged - Student List
- 10.1 - Exit Reason Discrepancy (ERD) Anomalies
- 11.1 - Concurrent Enrollment (CCE) Anomalies
- 12.1 - SSID Anomaly Status
- 14.2 - Student Absenteeism - Student List
- 16.3 Students with Disabilities Profile - List
- 16.6 Students with Disabilities - Student Services Student List
- 16.9 Students with Disabilities Program Exits
- 16.10 Students with Disabilities Program Exit Student List
- 16.11 Students with Disabilities - Annual Comparison Report
- 17.1 Postsecondary Status Outcome - Count
- 17.2 Postsecondary Status Outcome
- 17.4 Postsecondary Status - Student List
- 18.2 Work-Based Learning - Student List