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4.5 - Staff Non Classroom Based or Support Assignment - Detail


Reports the staff assignments for SEIDs employed as of Fall 2 Report Period and, for school tracks that are not in session on Census Day, for SEIDs employed as of the first day that a track is in session within 30 days after Census Day. Reported is certificated staff in the following job classifications: Administrators, Pupil Services, Teachers, and Itinerant or Pull-out/Push-In Teachers as well as non-certificated staff, who have a SEID, in the following job classifications: Non-certificated Administrator and Charter School Non-certificated Teacher and for snapshot only Non-Classroom based or Support Assignment Codes 1-7 does not equal 6018 (Employee of Leave).

Data Elements

School Code
School Name
Staff Name
Local Staff ID
Job Classification
Non Classroom Based or Support Assignment


4.5 - Staff Non Classroom Based or Support Assignment - Detail

Confidential Data?

4.5 - Staff Non Classroom Based or Support Assignment - Detail

Known Bugs

ODS Report 4.5 filtering options incorrect for Non Classroom Job assignment.

Related Links

Used by:

Various Reports TBD

  • School Code
    School Name
    Staff Name
    Local Staff ID
    Job Classification
    FTE %
    Non Classroom Based or Support Assignment

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