10.1 - Exit Reason Discrepancy (ERD) Anomalies
Identifies discrepancies between a student’s enrollment records resulting from inconsistencies between the student’s exit reason and subsequent enrollment status. ERDs are reported by school. The report lists students who are either currently enrolled or have been enrolled in the school and have an ERD associated with the enrollment record listed. The other enrollment record(s) with which the reporting school’s enrollment record has a discrepancy is also listed. Each ERD is categorized by an ERD Warn Type (See Warning Legend below).The report displays the results of the most recent ERD process, which is run nightly against the ODS throughout the Academic Year based on the Reporting Calendar which defines enrollment dates considered for an upcoming Data Submission. The Calendar is displayed on the ERD Resolution screen in SSID Enrollment.
Data Elements
Student Name
Local ID
Birth Date
Primary Language
Grade Level
Warning Type
School of Attendance
Enrollment Status
School Start Date
Exit Date
Exit Reason
Exit Category
Completion Status
Primary Contact

Confidential Data?

Related Links
Used by:Various Reports TBD
Student Name
Local ID
Birth Date
Primary Language
Grade Level
Warning Type
School of Attendance
Enrollment Status
School Start Date
Exit Date
Exit Reason
Exit Category
Completion Status
Primary Contact