5.6 - Foster Youth Enrolled - Count
Reports the total number of K-12 (KN, 01-12, UE, US) students who are currently identified by the CDSS Foster Youth Data Matching Process as being in foster care (Foster Placement or Foster Family Maintenance). The report is sorted by School Name and Grade Level. The report is designed to only show students that are currently foster youth on the Report “As of” date. NOTE: The “As of Date” is static. Results are “As of” the current date. There is no historical data associated with this report.The report has two separate sections: 1) The first section is a summary by grade for the sum of all selected schools and 2) The second section provides a summary by grade for each of the selected schools.
Data Elements
School Code
School Name
Grade Level
Total by Grade
Foster Placement
Foster Family Maintenance

Confidential Data?

Related Links
Used by:Various Reports TBD
- School Code
School Name
Grade Level
Total by Grade
Foster Placement
Foster Family Maintenance