7.4 - Discipline Actions - Count by Offense
Reports the number of students in grades KN, 01-12, UE and US who committed a reportable offense, regardless of enrollment status, by offense. It also reports the number of students receiving each of the disciplinary actions resulting from each offense. Students are disaggregated by gender, ethnicity/race, and offense code.
Data Elements
School Code
School Name
Offense Code
Ethnicity / Race
# of Students that Committed an Offense
# of Offense Committed
# of Out-of-School Suspensions (100)
# of Expulsions (200)
# of In School Suspensions (110)
# of No Suspensions or Expulsions (300)

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Related Links
Used by:Various Reports TBD
- School Code
School Name
Offense Code
Ethnicity / Race
# of Students that Committed an Offense
# of Offense Committed
# of Out-of-School Suspensions (100)
# of Expulsions (200)
# of In School Suspensions (110)
# of No Suspensions or Expulsions (300)