4.1 - Staff - Count and FTE by Job Classification
Reports number of staff and total FTE by job classification active for the Fall 2 Report Period. Included are SEIDs employed as of Census Day and, for school tracks that are not in session on Census Day, SEIDs employed as of the first day that a track is in session within 30 days after Census Day. Reported is certificated staff in the following job classifications: Administrators, Pupil Services, Teachers, and Itinerant or Pull-out/Push-In Teachers as well as non-certificated staff, who have a SEID, in the following job classifications: Non-certificated Administrator and Charter School Non-certificated Teacher and for snapshot only Non-Classroom based or Support Assignment Codes 1-7 does not equal 6018 (Employee of Leave).
Data Elements
School Code
School Name
# Staff (Unduplicated)
FTE (Unduplicated)
FTE To Staff Ration (Unduplicated)
# Staff (Teachers)
FTE (Teachers)
# Staff (Administrator)
FTE (Administrator)
# Staff (Pupil Services)
FTE (Pupil Services)
# Staff (Charter School Non-Cert Teacher with SEID)
FTE (Charter School Non-Cert Teacher with SEID)
# Staff (Non-Certificated Administrators with SEID)
FTE (Non-Certificated Administrators with SEID)
# Staff (Itinerant or Pull-Out/Push-In Teacher with SEID)
FTE (Itinerant or Pull-Out/Push-In Teacher with SEID)
![4.1 - Staff - Count and FTE by Job Classification 4.1 - Staff - Count and FTE by Job Classification](https://schooldataleadership.org/media/zoo/images/CR4.1_91a850e46f3b458825faae6f8e95fea1.png)
Confidential Data?
![4.1 - Staff - Count and FTE by Job Classification 4.1 - Staff - Count and FTE by Job Classification](https://schooldataleadership.org/media/zoo/images/Ferpa-Yes-600_bdf21bd3d4f4edc4ac3adfaa0eb8d46d.png)
Related Links
Used by:Various Reports TBD
- School Code
School Name
# Staff (Unduplicated)
FTE (Unduplicated)
FTE To Staff Ration (Unduplicated)
# Staff (Teachers)
FTE (Teachers)
# Staff (Administrator)
FTE (Administrator)
# Staff (Pupil Services)
FTE (Pupil Services)
# Staff (Charter School Non-Cert Teacher with SEID)
FTE (Charter School Non-Cert Teacher with SEID)
# Staff (Non-Certificated Administrators with SEID)
FTE (Non-Certificated Administrators with SEID)
# Staff (Itinerant or Pull-Out/Push-In Teacher with SEID)
FTE (Itinerant or Pull-Out/Push-In Teacher with SEID)