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EOY Certification

1.21 - Cumulative Enrollment - Count

Reports the cumulative enrollment for the academic year. The total primary, secondary, and short-term enrollment counts are grouped and certified census day enrollment count is provided for comparison.

1.22 Graduates and Completers Count

Reports the number of students submitted by the LEA as Regular High School Diploma Graduates, CHSPE Completers, Adult Education High School Diplomas, Special Education Certificate of Completion, General Education Completers for the selected Academic Year.

7.1 - Discipline Incidents - Count by Most Severe Offense

Reports total number of Discipline Incidents by Most Severe Offense, regardless of student’s Enrollment Status.

7.3 - Discipline Actions - Count

Reports the number of students in grades KN, 01-12, UE and US who committed a reportable offense, regardless of enrollment status, by offense. It also reports the number of students receiving each of the disciplinary actions resulting from each offense. Students are disaggregated by gender, ethnicity/race, and offense code.

7.4 - Discipline Actions - Count by Offense

Reports the number of students in grades KN, 01-12, UE and US who committed a reportable offense, regardless of enrollment status, by offense. It also reports the number of students receiving each of the disciplinary actions resulting from each offense. Students are disaggregated by gender, ethnicity/race, and offense code.

7.6 - Discipliary Actions - Persistently Dangerous Offense Expulsions

Reports the counts of K-12 expulsions (for students in grades KN, 01-12, UE and US) for the applicable Persistently Dangerous Schools California Education Code violations.Reports the counts of expulsions for the Persistently Dangerous Schools California Education Code violations. By school, it includes the total number of expulsions, the # of expulsions per 100 enrolled students (based on the selected year’s certified Fall 1 enrollment), and the # of expulsions per offense codes that are applicable in determining At-Risk Schools. It also indicates whether a school is an At-Risk School.

7.7 - Discipline Removals for Students with Disabilities - Count

Reports the number of students with disabilities who were removed from their regular instructional setting for disciplinary reasons, regardless of enrollment status. It also reports the total number of removals and the number of students with disabilities who commit offenses that resulted in no suspension or expulsion, by disability category.

7.8 - Unilateral Removals for Students with Disabilities - Count

Reports the number of students with disabilities (by Primary Disability Category) who were removed from their regular instructional setting to an interim alternative setting for disciplinary reasons, regardless of enrollment status. It also reports the counts of removals to interim alternative setting by federal offense category.

7.10 Incident - Count

Reports the counts of incidents occurring at the LEA by each school of attendance, the number of students involved an incident, the number of students receiving instructional support, and the number of students removed to interim alternative setting. Coun

7.11 Incident Result - Count

Reports an unduplicated count of students and Students with Disabilities by Incident Result type, total of count of each incident result, and the number of incident results that were modified all by School of Attendance.

7.13 Student Offense - Count by Offense

Reports an unduplicated count of students who committed offenses, total count of offenses committed by each offense code, and a breakdown of offenses involving a weapon by gender and ethnicity/race.

7.15 Incident Actions - Persistently Dangerous Offense Expulsions

Reports the counts of K-12 expulsions for the applicable Persistently Dangerous Schools California Education Code violations. Reports the counts of expulsions for the Persistently Dangerous Schools California Education Code violations. By school, it inclu

7.16 Incident Removals for Students with Disabilities - Count

Reports the number of students with disabilities who were removed from their regular instructional setting for disciplinary reasons, regardless of enrollment status. It also reports the total number of removals and the number of students with disabilities

7.17 Unilateral Removals for Students with Disabilities - Count

Reports the number of students with disabilities (by Primary Disability Category) who were removed from their regular instructional setting to an interim alternative setting for disciplinary reasons, regardless of enrollment status. It also reports the co

14.1 - Student Absenteeism - Count

Reports positive attendance and student absenteeism counts as a percentage of the total cumulative enrollment by school for the LEA.

17.3 Postsecondary Survey Outcome for SWD's Count

Reports the total number of students with disabilities identified in the Postsecondary (PSTS) survey outcome.

18.1 Work-Based Learning - Count

Reports the total number of students with a Work-Based Learning record and the count for each Work-Based Learning Type.

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