2.12 - English Language Acquisition Status - ELs Reclassified RFEP
Reports the number of English Learners (ELs) Reclassified Fluent English Proficient (RFEP) one day after previous Fall 1 census day through the current Fall 1 census day by the school in which the reclassification occurred, including closed schools. If a student was reclassified multiple times at the same school, only the most recent reclassification is reported. Students who were reclassified multiple times at different schools are duplicated in the aggregation to the Total-Selected schools. Note: Only K-12 students with an Enrollment Status of Primary are included. The data for these students (i.e.Demographics, ELAS Start Date, etc.) are reported from the Student Information record used to identify the reclassification
Data Elements
School Code
School Name
# ELS Reclassified RFEP in this School Since Previous Academic Year ELAS Count
# ELS Reclassified RFEP Included in this School’s ELAS Count for the Selected Academic Year

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Used by:Various Reports TBD
- School Code
School Name
# ELS Reclassified RFEP in this School Since Previous Academic Year ELAS Count
# ELS Reclassified RFEP Included in this School’s ELAS Count for the Selected Academic Year