3.11 - Course Sections completed - Student List for Dept. Courses
Reports list of students in each completed course section by school with final completion information (i.e. marking period, credits attempted, credits earned, and final grade). (LEAs are instructed to submit those course sections that began during the Reporting Year (i.e. Academic Year), regardless of when they were completed.) Student Information (SINF) data presented are the most recent data associated with the most recent qualifying enrollment at the school during the Report Period. Student Program Data presented are selected, for each unique Education Program Code, from the most recent SPRG record for the school and SSID that contains that unique Education Program Code and with Education Program Membership Start Date and Education Program Membership End Dates that overlap a qualifying enrollment at the school during the Report Period, regardless of Education Program Membership Code.Note: This report is the course section completion equivalent of Report 3.8 Course Section Enrollment – Student List.
Data Elements
School Code
School Name
Content Area
State Course Code
Local Course ID
Course Name
Sec ID
Teacher Name
Student Name
Local ID
Ethnicity / Race
Marking Period
Credits Attempted
Credits Earned
Final Grade
UC/CSU Admission Req
Confidential Data?

Known Bugs
Related Links
Used by:Various Reports TBD
- School Code
School Name
Content Area
State Course Code
Local Course ID
Course Name
Sec ID
Teacher Name
Student Name
Local ID
Ethnicity / Race
Marking Period
Credits Attempted
Credits Earned
Final Grade
UC/CSU Admission Req