Reports the number of students submitted by the LEA as Graduates by subgroup as well as the number of students submitted by the LEA for the Dropout Count by subgroup. Note: The count of student program records are based on the graduate/dropout date range regardless of whether the record is owned by the school being reported.
Reports the count of students in categories that are eligible for local supplemental funding dollars based upon demographics as of Fall 1 Census Day. Totals by school and totals by LEA with drill down links to student list for each school. Eligibility is determined based on students qualifying for Free or Reduced Price Meals, being classified as English Learners, or being identified as Foster Youth. (Students may qualify for consideration under multiple categories.) The report provides Duplicated Counts (for those students qualified by multiple criteria) and Unduplicated Counts by school where a student is counted only 1 time per school. User must possess the Free and Reduced role in order to view/run this report.
Reports the number of students submitted by the LEA as Dropouts by subgroup. Dropout counts are based on students who exited during the prior academic year.
Reports the total number of enrolled Title III Eligible Immigrants by School as of the Spring 1 Census Day. The selected academic year Fall Census and Spring Census counts are displayed.
Reports a count of enrolled students in specific English Language Acquisition Status (ELAS) categories at the school level by grade level within Primary Language. School level data is aggregated to the LEA level
Reports an unduplicated count of enrolled English Learners (EL) and Fluent English Proficient (FEP) students at the school level for the previous academic year English Language Acquisition Status (ELAS) count and the selected academic year ELAS count based on Spring 1 data. School level data are aggregated to the LEA level
Reports the number of English Learners (ELs) Reclassified Fluent English Proficient (RFEP) one day after previous Fall 1 census day through the current Fall 1 census day by the school in which the reclassification occurred, including closed schools. If a student was reclassified multiple times at the same school, only the most recent reclassification is reported. Students who were reclassified multiple times at different schools are duplicated in the aggregation to the Total-Selected schools. Note: Only K-12 students with an Enrollment Status of Primary are included. The data for these students (i.e.Demographics, ELAS Start Date, etc.) are reported from the Student Information record used to identify the reclassification
Reports unduplicated counts of Students with Disabilities, and students evaluated for disabilities, within each Primary Disability Category by Federal Setting.