1.17 - FRPM - EL Foster - Count
Reports the count of students in categories that are eligible for local supplemental funding dollars based upon demographics as of Fall 1 Census Day. Totals by school and totals by LEA with drill down links to student list for each school. Eligibility is determined based on students qualifying for Free or Reduced Price Meals, being classified as English Learners, or being identified as Foster Youth. (Students may qualify for consideration under multiple categories.) The report provides Duplicated Counts (for those students qualified by multiple criteria) and Unduplicated Counts by school where a student is counted only 1 time per school. User must possess the Free and Reduced role in order to view/run this report.
Data Elements
School Code
School Name
Total Enrollment
Non-charter Schools
Free & Reduced Meal Program 181/182
Migrant Program
Direct Certification
Unduplicated Eligible Free / Reduced Meal Counts
El Funding Eligible
Total Unduplicated FRPM/EL Eligible count
Charter Schools
Free & Reduced Meal Program 181/182
Migrant Program
Direct Certification
Unduplicated Eligible Free/Reduced Meal Counts
El Funding Eligible
Total Unduplicated FRPM/EL Eligible count

Confidential Data?

Related Links
Used by:Various Reports TBD
- School Code
School Name
Total Enrollment
Non-charter Schools
Free & Reduced Meal Program 181/182
Migrant Program
Direct Certification
Unduplicated Eligible Free / Reduced Meal Counts
El Funding Eligible
Total Unduplicated FRPM/EL Eligible count
Charter Schools
Free & Reduced Meal Program 181/182
Migrant Program
Direct Certification
Unduplicated Eligible Free/Reduced Meal Counts
El Funding Eligible
Total Unduplicated FRPM/EL Eligible count