LiveSchool: VIDEOS
Less Paperwork. More Teamwork. WhyLiveSchool.
July 15, 2019
Duration: 02:40
Everyday your kids are working hard. And engaging students is a top priority. With LiveSchool you can instantly award student points for the great things that they do.
Improving behavior takes teamwork. When you give a point in LiveSchool you can leave a comment for other teachers to see. That way, when students rotate classes, teachers can see how a student is doing before they enter the room. And students know that their hard work in first period won’t go unnoticed in second.
Weekly reports are a powerful way for kids to see how they did over the course of the week. Kids can’t wait the get their report because it shows them how much they earned and how much they have saved up. Plus students can take it home to show parents their progress from the week.
When student get home from school they love sharing weekly reports with their parents. Parents are kept in the loop. Not just when something big happens but every single week. Parents can sign student’s paychecks to let the teacher know they have had time to review the feedback. Then when students get to school they can show their signed paycheck to a teacher who can deposit their points into a LiveSchool account.
Whether you have a school store or awesome events like pizza party’s and movie days, LiveSchool makes it easy to create an engaging incentive system. When students want to use their points for an incentive, LiveSchool keeps track of it for you and automatically updates student accounts.
When there is a behavior you want to work on it is easy to add to your behavior rubric. You can make sure students know how they are doing on new categories and then recognize those who are improving your school.
The points your team tracks in LiveSchool are a rich source of insights on your about your student about your team and about your school. Start having conversations based on real data that will help your team improve their practice.
You can set up real time alerts to let you know when a specific behavior is recorded. These behaviors can be negative but also positive so you can congratulate students when kids go above and beyond. Yeah – kids appreciate that.
LiveSchool 101 - Happy Teachers, Engaged Students, and Positive Culture
06 November 2021