FocalPointK12: VIDEOS
FocalPointK12 Helping Principals with PD leadership teams & school improvement Initiatives HD
March 08, 2019
Duration: 02:30
Mr. Jackson is the principal at Olive Tree Elementary School. His school leadership team meets every Monday morning to address operational issues as well as to monitor and insure that the school improvement plan is yielding the desired results. In addition, Mr. Jackson is having his faculty participate in a writing across the curriculum initiative as well as training on PBIS. His teachers are overwhelmed and he has to find a way to limit the amount of meetings while providing his team with appropriate training and support to accomplish their goals.
FocalPointK12 Engaging Students & Preparing them for Success on Assessments HD
09 March 2019
FocalPointK12 Helping Principals with PD leadership teams & school improvement Initiatives HD
09 March 2019