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Certification Error - Fall 1


No Homeless Program eligible students were submitted for an LEA.


A student that was enrolled any time between July 1 and June 30 of the previous Academic Year and has not been exited prior to August 16 of the Active Academic Year.


If Student Grade Level Code = KN, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, UE, or US, and English Language Acquisition  Status = EL (English Learner), Then Student Initial US School Enrollment Date must be populated.


If the most recent enrollment contains Exit Code E150, then a subsequent Enrollment record is required.


Student will not be 5 in kindergarten year and is not enrolled in TK program


An enrolled student at the LEA has no associated SPED record at the enrolled LEA but has an active SPED Plan.


Invalid Student Special Education Exit Reason and Student Enrollment Exit Reason combination


Missing Student Exit Reason Code for Student with Disabilities who left program after Completing HS


The first Meeting type code = 10 (Part B Initial Evaluation) should not occur after a student's 3rd birthday when the student had a prior Education Plan Type of 150 (IFSP)


Missing Student Enrollment Exit Reason for Student With Disabilities Dropping from Program


SSRV records must have an associated SPED record (i.e., same student, LEA, Academic Year, and Student Special Education Meeting or Amendment Identifier)  where Education Plan type = 100, 150, or 200


Missing Student Enrollment Exit Reason for Student with Disabilities leaving program due to Max Age Reached


A student's with an Education Plan Type Code 100 (Individualized Education Plan (IEP), 150 (Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP), or 200 (Individual Service Plan (ISP)) must have an associated Special Education Service Record


SPED record must have an associated SENR data for the same SSID, LEA, and Academic Year


A student enrolled in a non-public non-sectarian certified school (NPS) during the reporting period has no overlapping SPED records with Education Plan = 100 (IEP) at the same Reporting LEA.


A SPED student enrolled in a Private School must ALSO have an associated SPED record in the same reporting LEA.


Education Program Membership End Date Must be within the same Academic Year as the Education Program Academic Year


If Adult Age Students with Disabilities in Transition Status is populated with a "Y", then student must an overlapping Active Plan SPED record at the same Reporting LEA where Education Plan Type Code = 100 (IEP), at least 17 years old, and be in grade 12.


Students with an Education Plan Type Code = 200 (ISP) must have a Private School enrollment (0000002)


Primarily Enrolled English Learners who are aged 22 years or older and Enrolled in Grades KN through 12 must be designated Adult English Learner (ADEL)  


Primarily Enrolled students who are aged 22 years or older and Enrolled in Grades KN through 12 cannot be "TBD"

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