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SSRV - Student Services


The Reporting LEA of the submitter must equal the Reporting LEA in the record, or the Reporting SELPA of the submitter must have a relationship with the Reporting LEA in the record.


School must be a valid code in CDS and have an active CALPADS reporting relationship with the Reporting LEA.


If School of Attendance NPS is populated then School of Attendance must equal 0000002.


If School of Attendance = 0000001 then School of Attendance NPS must be populated


School of Attendance NPS must be a valid NPS code in CDS


Academic Year ID must be a valid academic school year combination and no more than one year in the future.


SSID must be a valid CALPADS SSID in the ODS.


The submitted record attempts to delete a record that does not exist in CALPADS.


District of Special Education Accountability must be a valid 7-digit County District (CD) code.


If the Special Education Service Provider Code equals 400 (NPA), then the Nonpublic Agency Identifier must also be populated.


If NPA School is populated, then Special Education Service Provider Code must be 400 (NPA).


If Service Frequency Code is populated Then Service Duration must be populated.


Service Duration field must greater than or equal to 10 minutes per service session.


If Special Education Service Provider Code equals 200 or 210, then Student Age must be at least 12 years, but less than 22 years.


If Special Education Service Provider Code equals 230, then Student Age must be at least 2 years, but less than 22 years.


If Special Education Service Provider Code equals 240, then Student Age must be less than 13 years.


If Special Education Service Provider Code equals 250, then Student Age must be less than 6 years.


If Special Education Service Provider Code equals 300, then Student Age must be at least 3 years, but less than 22 years.


If Special Education Service Provider Code equals 310, then Student Age must be less than 21 years.


If Special Education Service Provider Code equals 410, then Student Age must be at least 2 years, 9 months, but less than 22 years.


If Special Education Service Code equals 210, 220, 230, 240, 250, 260, or 270, then Student Age must be less than 4 years.


If Special Education Service Code equals 350, then Student Age must be at least 3 years, but less than 7 years.


If Special Education Service Code equals 750, 820, 830, 840, 850, 855, 860, or 890, then Student Age must be at least 5 years, but less than 23 years.


Student Age must be less than 22 years.


A student with an SSRV record must have an associated SPED record where Education Plan Type = 100, 150, or 200 for the same Reporting LEA, Academic Year, and Education Plan Meeting or Amendment ID.


SELPA Code must equal existing SELPA Code in SPED record when Student Special Education Meeting or Amendment Identifier is populated.


Student Special Education Meeting or Amendment Identifier must equal Student Special Education Meeting or Amendment Identifier in existing SPED record.


Two or more records for the same student with the same (duplicate) Special Education Service Code, Service Provider Code, and Special Education Service Location must not be submitted within the same Academic Year


Nonpublic Agency Identifier (NPA) must be a valid NPA code in Special Education Division's Nonpublic Agency Database


Service Frequency Code must be populated for students less than 36 months old OR If the Service Duration is populated, then Service Frequency Code must be populated.


Service Duration must be populated for students less than 36 months old OR If the Service Frequency Code is populated, then Service Duration must be populated.


If Charter School is an independently reporting Charter School for SPED reporting, then Reporting LEA and School of Attendance must reflect the same Charter School 

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