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SPRG - Student Programs

SPRG errors (Student Program errors) are errors that involve a student with one or more program records like 504, IEP/Special Ed, Title 1 targeted, Free/reduced lunch, GATE, Homeless, Foster, etc.


Field length does not match Calpads File Specifications


Date format does not match Calpads File Specifications


A required field for the submitted Records Type is missing.


The value provided for the field is not a valid value from the CALPADS Code Sets


The value provided for the field is not a valid CALPADS Transaction Type Code


Reporting LEA must equal CDS code associated with submitter User ID


The school code number must be a valid code in the CDS format and have an active CALPADS reporting relationship with the Reporting LEA.


The student's 10-digit SSID number (State Student Identifier #), must be a valid SSID number in the CALPADS system. The SSID number submitted for one or more students was invalid.


If SSID is retired and Student Gender Code and Student Date of Birth Year in file match Student Gender Code and Student Date of Birth Year of current SSID in ODS, then replace with current SSID for student


Field must only contain Alphabetic letters, numbers, periods, hyphens and apostrophes.



Student Gender Code and Student Date of Birth Year must equal existing ODS Student Gender Code and Student Date of Birth Year in the latest SINF record


Only one record for the same Education Program and school may be in the ODS with a null Membership End Date


If SSID is retired and Student Gender Code and Student Date of Birth Year in file do not match Student Gender Code and Student Date of Birth Year of current SSID in the latest SINF ODS record, then do not replace SSID.


Education Program Membership End Date must be greater than or equal to Education Program Membership Start Date


Education Program Membership Start Date must be greater than Student Birth Date


If Education Program Membership Code equals 3 (Participating), then Education Program Membership Start Date must be greater than or equal to first Student School Start Date in CALPADS


If Education Program Membership Code equals 3 (Participating), then Education Program Membership Start Date must be less than or equal to current date plus six months.


If Education Program Code = 122 (NCLB Title 1 Part A Basic Targeted), then Education Service Code must be populated


If Education Program Code = 122 (NCLB Title 1 Part A Basic Targeted) Then Education Service Code must = 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, or 13


If Education Program Code = 113 (California Partnership Academy) Then California Partnership Academy ID must be populated


If Education Program Code = 135 (Migrant), then Migrant Student ID must be populated


If Education Program Code = 144 (Special Education), then Primary Disability Code must be populated


If Primary Disability Code is populated, then Education Program Code must equal 144 (Special Education)


If Education Program Code = 144 (Special Education), then District of Special Education Accountability must be populated


If District of Special Education Accountability is populated, then Education Program Code must equal 144 (Special Education)


Education Program Membership End Date must be greater than Student Birth Date


Invalid California Partnership Academy ID


If Education Program Code not equal to 122 (NCLB Title 1 Part A Basic Targeted), then Education Service Code must be null (empty or blank).


If California Partnership Academy ID is populated then Education Program Code must equal 113 (California Partnership Academy)


If Migrant Student ID is populated then Education Program Code must equal 135 (Migrant)


If Education Program Code = 122 (NCLB Title 1 Part A Basic Targeted) then Education Service Academic Year must be populated


The submitted record attempts to delete a record that does not exist in CALPADS.


District of Special Education Accountability must be a valid 7-digit County District (CD) code or a valid 7-digit Charter school code.


User must have Free or Reduced Price Meal role to post Free or Reduced Price Meal Program records:  Education Program Codes 175 (Free or Reduced Price meal program), 181 (Free Meal Program), and 182 (Reduced-Priced Meal Program


Schools receiving NCLB Title I Schoolwide funding for the Reporting Academic Year should not submit NCLB Title I Targeted Program records for the Reporting Academic Year. Participation in NCLB Title I Schoolwide programs is derived from the school's cumulative primary enrollment count.


Only one record may exist in the file with the same SSID, School of Attendance, Education Program Code, and Education Program Membership Start Date unless Education Program Code = 122 (NCLB Title I Part A Basic Targeted)


If Education Program Code = 122 (NCLB Title I Part A Basic Targeted, only one record may exist in the file with the same SSID, School of Attendance, Education Program Code, Education Program Membership Start Date, Education Service Academic Year, and Education Service Code


The Migrant Student ID must be 11 characters with the first two characters beginning with "06"


The validation trigger for the SPRG0254 was updated to account for all scenarios where National School Lunch Program (NSLP) effective record dates overlap. CERT0254 may be triggered when users upload NSLP program data while a previous NSLP record is either still open or has an effective end date after the current program’s effective start date.


If a student is a participant in the Transitional Kindergarten Program (185), then the student’s grade level must be = KN (Kindergarten)


If a student is receiving Title I Part A Neglected Services, then the student must be in a non-Title I Part A school (targeted or schoolwide).


Education Program Membership End Date Must be within the same Academic Year as the Education Program Academic Year


Record(s) Will Pass this Validation Once All Other Fatal Errors Are Corrected For Student

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