Invalid Education Program Code And Migrant Student ID Combination
SeverityFATAL error - Must be corrected in order to post the record and/or certify your data.
Error Description
If Migrant Student ID is populated then Education Program Code must equal 135 (Migrant)
Suggested Resolution
1) Verify the Education Program Code is entered as 135 (Migrant) in the submission.
OR 2) If the Migrant Student ID is incorrectly populated in the submission, remove it so the correct value is submitted to CALPADS for the student program record of the SSID.
Fields Validated
3.13 - Education Program Code
3.20 - Migrant Student ID
Headache Factor

0152 - 152 - CALPADS - Education Program Code - Enrollment - ERROR - FALL 1 - Migrant Student - SPRG - SPRG0152 - STUDENT
Solution Rating