Duplicate SPRG Record within File
SeverityError Description
Only one record may exist in the file with the same SSID, School of Attendance, Education Program Code, and Education Program Membership Start Date unless Education Program Code = 122 (NCLB Title I Part A Basic Targeted)
Suggested Resolution
Understanding the Error: A SPRG record may not be added if a record with the same SSID, School of Attendance, Education Program Code, and Education Program Membership Start Date already exists. Records with Education Program Code = 122 do not receive this error.
Things to check for in submission: Compare the record in the submission to the records that already exist for the student in CALPADS, or check for duplicate records within the submitted batch.
Suggested Resolution: If you intended to make a change to an existing record, then submit the information as a change.
Fields Validated
3.07 - SSID
3.05 - School of Attendance
3.13 - Education Program Code
3.15 - Education Program Membership Start Date
Headache Factor