Topics include: 2019-20 Fall 1 submission requirements modification; viewing Fall 1 SPED certification errors. 2019–20 Fall 1 Submission Requirements Modification The CDE recognizes the hard work of LEA staff to incorporate additional data into the Fall 1 submission, and that doing so requires more collaboration both within and external to the LEA. To enable LEAs to focus on certifying the most critical Fall 1 data, the CDE is making the following adjustments to the 2019–20 Fall 1 submission: Report 16.5 – Students with Disabilities – Student Services by Primary Disability will be excluded from the set of certification reports that LEAs must approve as part of Fall 1. LEAs, howeve...

California Department of EducationNews Release Release: #19-68October 9, 2019 Contact: Scott RoarkE-mail:
Special Education Data Collection in CALPADS Beginning September 10, 2019, CALPADS will accept data related to Students with Disabilities (SWD) that were previously submitted to the CDE through the California Special Education Management Information System (CASEMIS). 14 page PDF file. File Name: calpadsupdflash161 File Size: 404 kb Download File
Changes in reporting for Multilingual and English Learner ProgramsThe attached CALPADS Update FLASH #163 (3 page PDF file) provides information about the following topics: New Language Instruction Program Codes for Native and Non-Native English SpeakersReporting English Learner Participation in Language Acquisition ProgramsReporting English Learner Services File Name: calpadsupdflash16_20190926-191911_1 File Size: 145 kb Download File
Focusing on the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) System and English Language Proficiency Assessments of California (ELPAC) and including, when timely, updates on California's other statewide assessments. Survey for LEA Coordinators! On September 17, the California Department of Education (CDE) opened its annual local educational agency (LEA) coordinator survey with a link to the survey emailed to a sampling of LEA coordinators. If you received the email, we hope you will take a few minutes to tell us about the resources and training you need to be successful in your role as an LEA coordinator. This short survey asks about your awareness and use of sever...
File Name: AB-2657-Implementation File Size: 299 kb Download File California Department of Education presentation that reviews the newly enacted AB2657 and the requirements for data collection in CALPADS and suggestions for best practices. 18 page PowerPoint file.
Dear LEA ELPAC Coordinator: As you administer the 2018–19 and 2019–20 Initial and Summative ELPAC, Educational Testing Service (ETS) is helping to support you and your local educational agency (LEA) by providing key information. URGENT: Actions Required 2018–19 Post-Test—Summative ELPAC Test Materials Return Instructions In order to ensure that your test materials arrive in time for scoring, all Answer Books must be picked up by United Parcel Service (UPS) from your location by June 14, 2019; therefore, requests for pick up must be made prior to that day. Consider this date when planning to return your test materials, and allow enough time to account for shipping so that test materials arriv...
August 2018 "Data for the English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) in CALPADS presentation.
End-of-Year 3 Updates and Reminders CERT125 Will Be Disabled and CERT127 Will Become Fatal In analyzing the 2017–18 End-of-Year (EOY) 3 certified data, the California Department of Education (CDE) found that a significant number of local educational agencies (LEAs) did not report suspension records in the Student Discipline (SDIS) file for students who were reported as attending in-house suspension or absent due to an out-of-school suspension in the Student Absence Summary (STAS) file. To further enforce the alignment of discipline incidents to absence summary data, the CDE will implement for the 2018–19 EOY 3 submission, the following changes to existing validations: Disable certification v...
Data Collection in CALPADS for Adult-age Students In California, public K–12 local educational agencies (LEAs) serve three types of adult-age students: Students with disabilities in postsecondary/transition programs enrolled in K–12 schools and programs.Adult-age students attending charter schools with exclusive partnerships with one of the following programs:Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)JobCorpsCalifornia Conservation CorpsYouthBuildAdult-age students attending Adult Education Programs (AEPs) funded with Adult Education Program funding. Recently, there has been confusion about which of these adult-age students should be reported to CALPADS. The purpose of this communicatio...
Spring 2019 Training Offered:CALPADS Course Codes, Assignment Monitoring and LCAP Federal Addendum Equity Data Training Beginning in March 2019, California Department of Education (CDE) and Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) staff will be conducting training sessions at county offices of education (COEs) throughout California. The training sessions will cover: The new State Assignment Accountability System (CalSAAS)Changes in the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS)Changes to the state course codes and descriptions The CalSAAS will use data from the CTC and the CDE to identify potential misassignments and provide a communication platform for counties a...
File Name: calpadsupdflash14_20190214-213924_1 File Size: 142 kb Download File Date: February14,2019 To: Local Educational Agency (LEA) Representatives From: California Department of Education (CDE) — California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) Team Guidance for Assigning Statewide Student Identifiers (SSIDs) for Adults Students in CALPADS Beginning in 2019–20, public K–12 local educational agencies (LEAs) that administer Adult Education Programs (AEPs) are responsible for acquiring statewide student identifiers (SSIDs) for adult students who do not have an SSID, or who do not have a social security number (SSN) in the California Community College Adult Education Data Sys...
CALPADS Status and Common Problems As of Monday, October 8th, CALPADS has been up and running. The CALPADS team has mitigated the issue of users suddenly receiving an error message when working in the system; until the issue is fully resolved, we estimate that approximately 10% of users may experience an instance where CALPADS momentarily presents an error message.Should this occur, the user should log back into CALPADS. Our number one priority continues to be to fully address this problem, but note that this may take a few days. All CALPADS LEA Administrators with a current application on file with the CDE have now been issued an account. If you submitted an LEA Administrator application an...
Please see the attached flyer for information about the ELPAC Networking Meeting being held on December 12, 2018. Location: Los Angeles County Office of Education 9300 Imperial Highway, Education Center Room 107 Downey, CA 90242 Time: 9am – 11:30 am Registration link: Thank you.
A recording of the October 3rd, 2018 Calpads Information Meeting. Closed captioning completed by the School Technology Leadership crew. :) If you find the timely resources found on this site useful, please consider signing up and becoming a member. It's always free and we don't spam or sell the list. Our goal is to get to 1,000 members by June, 2019! We can do it!
Reminder! CALPADS is OFFLINE from September 21st to October 3rd, 2018 Some LEAs Require an Updated CALPADS LEA Administrator Application The CDE is updating all LEA CALPADS Administrator applications to ensure that current applications are on file. LEAs that do not have a current CALPADS LEA Administrator application on file were sent an email last week directing them to submit a request for an application to the CALPADS Service Desk. Once you receive the application, it is important that you return it as soon as possible because you will not be issued a new CALPADS account until an approved application is on file. We are working to respond immediately to application requests and to ex...
Save the Dates! Meeting 1September 28, 20189:00-11:00 am Location: TBD Meeting 2December 3, 20189:00-11:00 am TBD Meeting 3February 13, 20199:00-11:00 am TBD This year LACOE will facilitate three CALPADS networking sessions timed strategically around important CALPADS certification dates. The goal of these sessions is to support CALPADS administrators and CALPADS data technicians (not an official CALPADS term) as this data source becomes increasingly important in the world of Accountability. CALPADS administrators/data technicians are the target audience for these meetings. Network sessions will highlight data timelines, connections to the CA accountability (for context purposes o...
End-of-Year (EOY) Deadline Reminder Local educational agencies (LEAs) are reminded that the close of the End-of-Year (EOY) submission amendment window is Friday, August 24, 2018 at 5:00 p.m. It is critical for LEAs to certify accurate data by this deadline, as there will be no other opportunities to amend these data. LEAs that fail to certify EOY 1 will not have college-credit bearing course information (dual enrollment) and Career Technical Education (CTE) completer data factored into the calculation of the College/Career Indicator, which will be included in the 2018 California School Dashboard, nor will LEAs that receive Perkins funding meet federal reporting requirements. Those LEAs that ...
File Name: ELPAC-and-CALPADS-Webinar File Size: 1.2 mb Download File This is the PowerPoint presentation for the "Data for the English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) in CALPADS" webinar from last week. August 2018