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New Social Emotional Systems Category

Hello members! Just a heads up- we've added a new category of software systems to our community-built and supported list.  We now have a category specifically for Social Emotional Learning.  Currently we have a list of 13 systems known to be used in California school districts.  Do you know of any others that your district is using?  Let us know! Did you know?  We now have over 800 individual software systems listed in our community catalog.  These are the most popular systems used by California school districts.  With the input of our members, our list continues to grow.  Please consider taking our annual survey to update your district's list of syste...

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Connecting the Dots: Understanding API vs LTI Integrations

Imagine you want to use a new learning app alongside your school's learning management system (LMS), like Canvas or Blackboard. This article explains how these two systems can work together, focusing on two common methods: API and LTI integrations. Think of integrations as "bridges" between different two different systems. In this case, will take a learning app and an LMS. Integrations would allow your LMS and the new app to share information securely, making things easier for educators and students with integrated functionality like single sign-on, rostering, content sync, and grade passback. Here's a simple breakdown of those two integration methods to connect to LMS providers: API (Applic...

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CALPADS Update Flash #285

 CALPADS Update FLASH #285

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 CALPADS Update FLASH #284

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Survey results are in!

The results are in!  The survey's have been tabulated!  A huge thank you to the more than 150 districts who updated their enterprise systems this year in our 2nd annual EXPANDED survey.  We've combined the results from the first and second surveys into a single searchable online index. We think this is currently the most accurate and complete list of systems in use by California K-12 public school districts.  And there's still time to update YOUR district's list of enterprise systems if you didn't get a chance to do so yet.  The online survey will stay open until the end of the school year and we'll update the list continuously throughout the year.  

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CDE: Interim Guidance on Transitional Kindergarten Students and English Language Proficiency Testing

CDE: Interim Guidance on Transitional Kindergarten Students and English Language Proficiency Testing 

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CAASPP and ELPAC website redesign launches!

The CAASPP and ELPAC websites have been redesigned and combined into a single website that can be accessed at Beginning today and extending through June, a soft launch of the new website provides LEA coordinators early access to become familiar with the new website prior to the 2024–25 administration year. The CAASPP Website and ELPAC Website will remain available for the remainder of the 2023–24 administration, and test administrators and test examiners can continue to use those sites to complete 2023–24 testing. It is at your discretion to determine the best timing to introduce site and school staff to the new website. Webinar To help orient you to the new website, ET...

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CALPADS Flash Update #282

CALPADS Flash Update #282 

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CALPADS Flash Update #275

CALPADS Flash Update #275 

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CALPADS Flash Update #281

CALPADS Flash Update #281 

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CALPADS Flash Update #280

CALPADS Flash Update #280 

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CALPADS Flash Update #279

CALPADS Flash Update #279 

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CALPADS Flash Update #278

CALPADS Flash Update #278 

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CALPADS Flash Update #277

CALPADS Flash Update #277 

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CALPADS Flash Update #276

CALPADS Flash Update #276 

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CALPADS Flash Update #274

CALPADS Flash Update #274 

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$1.3B in Community Schools Implementation Grants

California Department of Education News Release

California Department of EducationNews Release Release: #24-28May 8, 2024 Contact: CommunicationsE-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.: 916-319-0818 SACRAMENTO—State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond announced that the California State Board of Education (SBE) approved $1.3 billion in community schools implementation grants today as proposed by the California Department of Education (CDE). Today’s approval marks the continued expansion and third cohort of the California Community Schools Partnership Program (CCSPP), which has become the largest single investment in community schools anywhere in the nation. Today’s cohort builds on successful efforts to accelerate student learning by integrating academics, health and social services, and family and community engagement to improve the achievement and wellness of children by serving the whole child and the whole family. “Our Community Schools strategy is fundamentally about breaking down barriers in order to unlock the brilliance of every child,” Thurmond said. “Our community schools grantees build strategic partnerships with service providers in their area, which leads to an incredible return on investment for our students and families. And by remaining committed to transformative outcomes for our students, our community schools have become leaders in not only identifying the barriers that hold kids back but also creating innovative solutions that effectively support children to learn and thrive.” With a total investment of $4.1 billion, the CCSPP is the nation’s largest investment in the community schools model and represents the first comprehensive rethinking of the role of schooling since the end of the Cold War. Community schools partner with education, county, and other nonprofit entities to provide integrated health, mental health, and social services alongside high-quality, supportive instruction with a strong focus on community, family, and student engagement. COMMUNITY SCHOOLS HIGHLIGHT: Fresno Unified In Fresno Unified, CCSPP dollars have funded food and clothing pantries, family resource fairs, and Community School Coordinators for each site alongside innovative transportation solutions for students who are late for the school bus. These efforts have resulted in increased average daily attendance, increased family engagement, and elevation of parent and teacher voice. With today’s vote by the SBE, the CDE is awarding community schools grants that account for more than $1.3 billion in total. The list of awardees is available through the May 8, 2024, SBE Agenda (DOCX). This allocation is in addition to more than $1.3 billion in implementation grants in 2021 and 2022 to 204 local educational agencies and 1,028 school sites. The CDE plans to administer a final round of implementation grants during the 2024–25 school year. Thurmond sponsored community schools legislation in 2019 and, since the passage of the Community Schools Partnership Act, the CDE has continued to pioneer efforts that support the whole child and transform public education. Thurmond has championed community schools for almost 20 years, first as a school board member in West Contra Costa Unified, where he authored the resolution that made the entire district a full-service community schools district, and then as a California Assembly Member, where he supported community schools legislation. Now, as State Superintendent, Thurmond leads the largest community schools implementation...

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Los Angeles Unified and AllHere Launch Ed, a Pioneering Learning Acceleration AI Platform to Improve Student Achievement

Los Angeles, CA (March 20, 2024) – Los Angeles Unified and AllHere launched a first-of-its-kind learning acceleration platform named Ed, designed to provide students and families with an ecosystem of valuable resources and support for fast-tracking student achievement beyond the school day. Fueled by Artificial Intelligence (AI), this innovative digital platform creates personalized action plans uniquely tailored to each student. The official unveiling took place at the Edward R. Roybal Learning Center, bringing together students, families, educators and the community to immerse themselves in this groundbreaking platform. Ed is currently available to students and families at select schools a...

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9th Annual District Systems Survey

Our 9th Annual District Systems Survey is now live! Help us cultivate the largest public domain database of software systems used by California school districts. We are tracking over 650 different systems in 50 different categories currently known to be in use by at least one California district. This information is in the public domain and is collected from our annual survey, google searches of school district websites and board notes, as well as from vendor provided lists. You can see the results of our survey by visiting our systems pages.

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2024 California Exemplary Dual Enrollment Schools

California Department of Education News Release Release: #24-13March 13, 2024 Contact: CommunicationsE-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.: 916-319-0818 SACRAMENTO—State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond announced that nine California schools were selected for the California Exemplary Dual Enrollment Award. This award program identifies and recognizes schools with exemplary dual enrollment programs and allows these schools to share the exemplary programs and practices that have contributed to their success. All Early College High Schools, Middle College High Schools, and alternative education schools with dual enrollment programs were eligible to apply for the 2024–25 award. “These programs are a beacon of excellence and equitable opportunity in California’s public schools,” said Superintendent Thurmond. “Dual enrollment programs provide a unique option for public high school students who seek to accelerate their achievement, launch their careers, and access a high-quality free college education even before they walk the high school graduation stage.” Awardees had to demonstrate excellence in several areas of program focus. Applicants had to demonstrate and provide evidence of strong, collaborative relationships among the high school, the college, families, community members, and industry partners. They also had to demonstrate and provide evidence of equity, integration of college and district plans and frameworks, dual credit for high school graduation, outcome data, pathways, and student supports. Schools receiving the California Exemplary Dual Enrollment Award will hold the title for two years. Read more at the California Department of Education California Exemplary Dual Enrollment Award web page. 2024 Exemplary Dual Enrollment Award Schools CountyDistrict/County Office of EducationSchoolCollege Partner Fresno Firebaugh-Las Deltas Unified School District Firebaugh High West Hills Community College Coalinga Kern Kern County Office of Education Wonderful College Prep Academy - Delano Bakersfield College Kern Kern County Office of Education Wonderful College Prep Academy – Lost Hills Bakersfield College Los Angeles Antelope Valley Union High School District SOAR High Antelope Valley College Nevada Nevada Joint Union High School District William and Marian Ghidotti Early College High School Sierra Community College Orange Huntington Beach Union High School District Valley Vista High Orange Coast College Coastline College Golden West College San Bernardino San Bernardino City Unified School District Middle College High School San Bernardino Valley College Santa Clara Santa Clara Unified School District Mission Early College High School Mission College Ventura Oxnard Union High School District Oxnard Middle College High School Oxnard College # # # # Tony Thurmond — State Superintendent of Public InstructionCommunications Division, Room 5602, 916-319-0818, Fax 916-319-0100  

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