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2019 CAASPP Scores Announced

California Department of Education News Release

California Department of EducationNews Release Release: #19-68October 9, 2019 Contact: Scott RoarkE-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.: 916-319-0818 SACRAMENTO—State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond announced today the statewide results of the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) summative assessments for English language arts/literacy (ELA) and mathematics. School districts have had access to their own results since May. For CAASPP, performance continues to improve slightly overall within grades as measured by the Smarter Balanced ELA and mathematics assessments. Statewide results in all tested grades showed that 50.87 percent of students met or exceeded standards in ELA, a .99 percentage point increase from 2018 and a 6.87 percentage point increase from 2015. In mathematics, 39.73 percent of students met or exceeded standards, a 1.08 percentage point increase from 2018 and a 6.73 percentage point increase from 2015. Thurmond acknowledged the slight score increases but expressed deep concern that improvement is less consistent across the score range in the later grades of 7, 8, and 11, with a persistent percentage of students of color not meeting standards and, in several grades, showing declining scores from last year. “Disparities between students of color and their white and Asian peers continue from year to year and demonstrate the importance of our priority initiative of closing the achievement gap. Education equity should mean equity for all students and right now, we are not there,” said Thurmond. “All students should have an equal opportunity to succeed academically and enter the workforce prepared with the needed skills to compete in the industries that drive our state forward.” One plan to address disparities that Thurmond supports is working with data experts to interpret the declining scores and evaluate what is causing the results. Strategies can then be identified for how local educational agencies (LEAs) and educators can improve test scores. “The CDE can work with all educational stakeholders to identify strategies and then explore legislative efforts to support the needs of local districts and provide resources to improve test scores,” Thurmond said. Performance gaps have narrowed (based on tracking the same cohort over time and different cohorts over time) in ELA in most grades between Hispanic or Latino students and white students, Ever-English Learner students and English Only students, and Reclassified Fluent English Proficient students and English Only students. The CAASPP Smarter Balanced ELA and mathematics results are the basis for the academic indicator, and the Summative ELPAC contributes to the English Learner Progress indicator of the California School Dashboard. Thurmond reinforced that test results are only one measurement out of many that the state uses to evaluate schools on the California School Dashboard, which allows educators and parents to identify strengths and weaknesses. Schools and districts that are struggling across Dashboard indicators are flagged for state assistance. This is the fifth year of the computer-based tests, which use California’s challenging academic standards and ask students to write clearly, think critically, and solve complex problems, as they will need to do in college and future careers. During this time period, less...

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CALPADS Flash Update #140 - Aug 17, 2018

End-of-Year (EOY) Deadline Reminder Local educational agencies (LEAs) are reminded that the close of the End-of-Year (EOY) submission amendment window is Friday, August 24, 2018 at 5:00 p.m. It is critical for LEAs to certify accurate data by this deadline, as there will be no other opportunities to amend these data. LEAs that fail to certify EOY 1 will not have college-credit bearing course information (dual enrollment) and Career Technical Education (CTE) completer data factored into the calculation of the College/Career Indicator, which will be included in the 2018 California School Dashboard, nor will LEAs that receive Perkins funding meet federal reporting requirements. Those LEAs that ...

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  951 Hits

Dashboard Coordinator Application Renewal for 18/19

Dear Dashboard Coordinators: The purpose of this e-mail is to remind you that the California Department of Education (CDE) will be requiring a new submission of the Dashboard Coordinator Application for the 2018­–19 school year in order to gain access as the coordinator for your local educational agency (LEA). Even if the coordinator information has not changed from the previous year, the application must be submitted and approved by the LEA superintendent or charter school administrator to receive the login credentials. The CDE will be resetting the 2017–18 Dashboard Coordinator data base at 5 p.m. on August 17, 2018. During this time, there will be no access to the Dashboard Coordinator We...

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CA Accountability Coordinators Update for May 24, 2017

(Editor's Note - From an email distributed today to all CA Accountablity Coordinators) Dear Accountability Coordinators:  The purpose of this e-mail is to inform you of two important notifications announcing the opening of the 2016–17 End-of-Year (EOY) data submission to the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS).  These notifications are attached and are also available online on the California Department of Education’s Web site at: 2016–17 Data Collections:  Mid-Year Update (May 5, 2017 Letter to Superintendents and Charter Administrators):  CALPADS Update FLASH #127:

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New Dashboard Features preview May 9th

The California Department of Education (CDE) is pleased to announce the availability of new features on the California School Dashboard (Dashboard) being field-tested this spring. These features include the reporting of local indicator data for local educational agencies (LEAs) that have submitted information through the self-reflection tools and the release of the Detailed Reports.  To assist stakeholders, LEAs, and the public understand these new features, the CDE is hosting a Webinar on May 9, 2017, at 2 p.m. that will review these new features. The PowerPoint slides from the Webinar will be subsequently posted on the CDE California Accountability Model and School Dashboard Web page ...

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