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CALPADS Flash Update #140 - Aug 17, 2018


End-of-Year (EOY) Deadline Reminder

Local educational agencies (LEAs) are reminded that the close of the End-of-Year (EOY) submission amendment window is Friday, August 24, 2018 at 5:00 p.m. It is critical for LEAs to certify accurate data by this deadline, as there will be no other opportunities to amend these data.

LEAs that fail to certify EOY 1 will not have college-credit bearing course information (dual enrollment) and Career Technical Education (CTE) completer data factored into the calculation of the College/Career Indicator, which will be included in the 2018 California School Dashboard, nor will LEAs that receive Perkins funding meet federal reporting requirements.

Those LEAs that fail to certify EOY 2 will not have Title I program participation and services data and homeless student counts to report to the federal government as required by law.

And finally, LEAs that fail to certify EOY 3 will not have a discipline indicator or chronic absenteeism indicator on the 2018 California School dashboard, which will negatively impact their performance level. Additionally, LEAs without EOY certified data will have no data posted on DataQuest.

Updated Timeline for CALPADS Down Time

As noted in the April 2018 CALPADS Information Meeting (CIM), there are plans to move CALPADS into the cloud, update the user interface, and redesign the security model as we work to transition the California Special Education Management Information System (CASEMIS) into CALPADS in the 2019–20 school year. The system upgrade will take place the last week in September 2018. Currently, CALPADS is scheduled to go offline on September 21 and remain down until October 1, 2018. LEAs are encouraged to obtain all necessary Statewide Student Identifiers (SSIDs) prior to the down time, so that assessment testing will not be impacted. The CDE will send out additional communication regarding the security model changes and training opportunities at the end of August, and we will notify LEAs of any changes to this schedule.

What To Do When There is Evidence That an EO Student Has a Non-English Primary Language

In rare cases, LEAs may find evidence that a student who was previously determined as having an English Language Acquisition Status (ELAS) of EO (English Only) has a
non-English primary language and may be in need of English learner services. In these cases, students should be tested with the Initial English Language Proficient Assessments for California (ELPAC) to determine if the student's ELAS should be corrected to English Learner (EL) or Initial Fluent English Proficient (IFEP).

As described in CALPADS Update Flash #138, once the Initial ELPAC has been administered, the LEA must load the raw scores and the test completion date into the Test Operation Management System (TOMS) Local Scoring Tool (LST). Scores may only be loaded into the LST if the student has an ELAS of To Be Determined (TBD) in CALPADS. However, CALPADS will not allow an ELAS progression from EO to TBD until modifications are made to CALPADS on August 28, 2018.

Until these modifications are made in CALPADS, we recommend that LEAs do the following to administer the Initial ELPAC and enter those scores into the TOMS LST:

          1. Notify the parents or guardians of the intent to administer the Initial ELPAC within 10 days of administration.
          2. Administer the Initial ELPAC to the student, hand score the test, and provide the parents or guardians preliminary results within 14 days after test administration. Retain the scores for entry into the LST at a later date.
          3. On or after August 29th, ensure that the student has an enrollment record in CALPADS with a start date of the first day of school.
          4. On or after August 29th, submit a Student English Language Acquisition (SELA) record with an ELAS of TBD, ELAS Start Date of 7/1/2018 or greater and at least one day prior to the test completion date, and a non-English Primary Language to CALPADS.
          5. Once the student appears on the Initial ELPAC Student Eligibility Report, enter the scores into the LST and download the Student Score Extract.
          6. Upload the official ELAS to your student information system (SIS) and submit a new SELA to CALPADS that reflects the student's status of EL or IFEP with an ELAS Start Date of the date testing was completed. NOTE: The system modifications needed to enter the corrected ELAS will not be implemented in CALPADS until October.

Use of Student School Transfer Category Code 4 – District of Choice

Education Code (EC) sections 48300–48317 establish the District of Choice Program, and require school districts to register as a District of Choice. Only districts who have registered as Districts of Choice should use Student School Transfer Category Code 4 – District of Choice for students transferring in from other districts. Recent analysis of the data show that there are some districts that have not registered as Districts of Choice that are inappropriately using this transfer category code. It should be noted that the CDE is required to investigate complaints of school districts operating as a school district of choice without registering (EC Section 48317).

Currently only 45 districts registered to be a District of Choice by the July 1, 2018 deadline, which was the statutory deadline for the 2018–19 school year. In subsequent years, the registration deadline shall be October 15 for the following school year. The list of school districts registered as Districts of Choice for 2018–19 will be posted on the CDE website.

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E-Rate News Flash - Issue 18-07, August 24, 2018
CAASPP System Release Dates for 2018-19


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