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NEW! LA County CALPADS Network!


Save the Dates!

Meeting 1
September 28, 2018
9:00-11:00 am Location: TBD

Meeting 2
December 3, 2018
9:00-11:00 am TBD

Meeting 3
February 13, 2019
9:00-11:00 am TBD 

This year LACOE will facilitate three CALPADS networking sessions timed strategically around important CALPADS certification dates. The goal of these sessions is to support CALPADS administrators and CALPADS data technicians (not an official CALPADS term) as this data source becomes increasingly important in the world of Accountability. CALPADS administrators/data technicians are the target audience for these meetings.

Network sessions will highlight data timelines, connections to the CA accountability (for context purposes only), best practices and procedures, and networking time. While LACOE will facilitate these sessions, most presentations will come from participating LEAs. These meetings are not intended to replace any Accountability meetings that director level administrators attend as the CALPADS meeting focus will be on the nuts, bolts and best practices for working successfully and efficiently with CALPADS.

In an effort to make these meetings accessible for our vast county, locations will vary.

If you are interested in signing up your CALPADS administrator/CALPADS data technician to participate in these networking sessions, please respond in this link (even if you have previously expressed interest on behalf of your staff): (NOTE: this is NOT a registration link. This is a distribution list link for important CALPADS related communique.)

Registration for the meetings will come approximately two weeks prior to the meeting date.

File Name: Los-Angeles-County---CALPADS-Network-Flye_20180910-194147_1
File Size: 481 kb
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CALPADS Flash #141 - September 11, 2018
E-rate Update Issue 18-08, Sept 6, 2018


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