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English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) Monthly Communication


Dear LEA ELPAC Coordinator:

As you administer the 2018–19 and 2019–20 Initial and Summative ELPAC, Educational Testing Service (ETS) is helping to support you and your local educational agency (LEA) by providing key information.

URGENT: Actions Required

2018–19 Post-Test—Summative ELPAC Test Materials Return Instructions

In order to ensure that your test materials arrive in time for scoring, all Answer Books must be picked up by United Parcel Service (UPS) from your location by June 14, 2019; therefore, requests for pick up must be made prior to that day. Consider this date when planning to return your test materials, and allow enough time to account for shipping so that test materials arrive at ETS no later than June 21, 2019. Any Answer Books received by ETS after June 21, 2019, will not be processed.

All secure, scannable test materials should be returned in the white return cartons and shipped using the UPS shipping return labels only. Please note that, for the 2018–19 administration, each LEA must create its own UPS return labels. Packing and shipping errors could delay the processing of test materials and receipt of ELPAC Student Score Reports. The 2018–19 Summative ELPAC Packing and Return Instructions web document, which is available on, provides details on returning test materials. Store test materials awaiting pick up in a secure and protected location.

It is imperative that you and your staff follow the instructions for the use of Pre-ID labels and a Group Identification Sheet (GIS) outlined in the 2018–19 Summative ELPAC Test Administration Manual to facilitate the processing of test materials and receipt of students' scores and to prevent results from being reported under an incorrect LEA.

Pre-ID Labels

Pre-ID is the process of electronically identifying a student through a bar-coded label that is placed on the student's Answer Book to facilitate accurate reporting of scores to the LEA. Pre-ID labels identify students based on information from the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System. LEAs should not share or use Pre-ID labels not associated with their school codes.

Precoded GIS

Precoded GISs are scannable documents containing unique information for the county, LEA, school, and grade. The GIS determines which school and LEA the results are assigned to for accountability. Do not share or use a photocopy of the GIS. Do not share or use precoded GISs not associated with the LEA's school codes.

2019–20 LEA ELPAC Coordinator Designations

If your superintendent has not yet designated an LEA ELPAC coordinator, please assist him or her to access the ELPAC Test Operations Management System (TOMS) for the 2019–20 administration to designate one.

The ELPAC: How to Add a New User as an LEA Coordinator in TOMS and the ELPAC: How to Designate an LEA Coordinator in TOMS videos on the ELPAC YouTube channel provide step-by-step directions on how to submit an LEA coordinator designation.

If you have any questions about the designation process, please contact the California Technical Assistance Center (CalTAC) by phone at 800-955-2954 or by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

ELPAC Information

What's New?

2019–20 Computer-based Summative ELPAC Training
The Summative ELPAC Administration and Scoring Trainings web page lists the dates and locations for the 2019–20 trainings. To prepare for the 2019–20 test administration, there will be 22 Administration and Scoring Trainings held statewide. LEAs participating in the field test will be registered to attend one of the first 10 trainings, held from September 30 through October 10, 2019, because these LEAs must complete statewide training and subsequent field testing by October 25, 2019. Non-field-testing LEA training will be held from October 23 through November 14, 2019. Dates and locations have been posted on to help LEAs plan for staff attendance. Registration for non-field-testing LEAs will open Monday, August 12, 2019. If you have questions regarding participation in the field test, please contact the ELPAC Field Test Coordinator at the Sacramento County Office of Education by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Initial ELPAC Information

2018–19 Initial ELPAC Supplemental Materials Ordering

The Initial ELPAC supplemental materials ordering window closes on June 14, 2019. To place an Initial ELPAC materials order for the 2018–19 administration, contact CalTAC by phone at 800-955-2954 or by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

2018–19 Initial ELPAC Test Administration

The Initial ELPAC test administration window ends on Friday, June 28, 2019. Examiners should score the operational assessments locally and use the local scoring tool (LST) to input raw, hand scored results. Please note that all hand score results MUST be entered into the LST, student score reports produced, and the data downloaded and merged into the parent template by 5 p.m. on Sunday, June 30, 2019, because of a scheduled system downtime.

2019–20 Initial ELPAC Administration and Scoring Training

Initial ELPAC Administration and Scoring Trainings will end on May 21, 2019. Please note that every LEA is required to attend training at either a statewide training or a regional training. All ELPAC test examiners are required to attend training to administer the Initial ELPAC. To accommodate your LEA's training needs, regional trainings will be held throughout the state. These trainings are posted on under the Training menu. The list will be updated as more trainings become available.

2019–20 Initial ELPAC Moodle Site

The 2019–20 Initial ELPAC Moodle Training Site launched on April 19, 2019. All current and new Moodle users need to establish a new user account for this site. Accounts for the Summative ELPAC Moodle Training Site will not work for the ELPAC Administration and Scoring Moodle Training Site.

2019–20 Initial ELPAC Administration and Scoring Makeup Trainings

The Initial ELPAC testing window opens on July 2, 2019. For new LEA ELPAC coordinators and trainers who missed the spring trainings, there will be four Initial ELPAC Administration and Scoring Makeup Trainings held in August 2019. Registration for these make-up training session opened on Monday, May 13, 2019.

General questions about the ELPAC should be directed to CalTAC by phone at 800-955-2954 or by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


California Technical Assistance Center

Educational Testing Service

Phone: 800-955-2954

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Assessment Spotlight - May 29, 2019
Assessment Spotlight - May 2, 2019


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