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Assessment Spotlight - May 29, 2019


Assessment Spotlight

Focusing on the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) System and English Language Proficiency Assessments of California (ELPAC)—and including, when timely, updates on California's other statewide assessments.

ELPAC Administrations Winding Down

As both the Summative and Initial ELPAC administration windows come to a close—on May 31 for the Summative, and on June 30 for the Initial—we offer these tips to help local educational agencies (LEAs) with the details of closing the 2018–19 administrations:

  • To ensure that Summative ELPAC materials arrive at testing contractor Educational Testing Service (ETS) in time for scoring, all Answer Books must be picked up by UPS from the LEA by June 14. Test materials that arrive at ETS later than June 21 will not be scored.
  • For LEAs that submitted Summative ELPAC Answer Books in March through mid-April, Student Score Reports were released earlier this month, on May 15. Remaining SSRs for the Summative ELPAC will be released in batches every two weeks.
  • Per ELPAC regulations, LEAs must notify parents/guardians within 30 days of receipt from the testing contractor that the results are available. LEAs cannot wait until all electronic SSRs are received before notifying parents/guardians of their availability in the parent portal.
  • All students with an English language acquisition status (ELAS) of "To Be Determined" in TOMS must be administered the Initial ELPAC, and their ELAS status updated in CALPADS as soon as possible, to ensure that their submitted Summative ELPAC Answer Books are scored and not placed on hold.
  • LEAs testing in June should update the information in their student information system prior to updating CALPADS before July 1. After the rollover to next school year, the 2018–19 Initial ELPAC will no longer be available; instead, the 2019–20 Initial ELPAC will be available.

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Updated ELPAC Summative Cut Scores
English Language Proficiency Assessments for Calif...


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