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CALPADS Flash # 143

CALPADS Status and Common Problems

As of Monday, October 8th, CALPADS has been up and running. The CALPADS team has mitigated the issue of users suddenly receiving an error message when working in the system; until the issue is fully resolved, we estimate that approximately 10% of users may experience an instance where CALPADS momentarily presents an error message.Should this occur, the user should log back into CALPADS. Our number one priority continues to be to fully address this problem, but note that this may take a few days.

All CALPADS LEA Administrators with a current application on file with the CDE have now been issued an account. If you submitted an LEA Administrator application and have not received an email from CALPADS with your new account, please send in a service ticket to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  

As we work through the transition to the new system, please note the following:

  • Reporting of issues: If you encounter difficulties as you work in CALPADS, please first consult the CALPADS Known Issues list to determine if the problem has already been reported and documented. You can find the Known Issues list via the CDE CALPADS web page at; select the link for Known Issues. In the table below, we have listed some of the most common problems currently on the Known Issues list, along with a target date for resolution.
  • Bookmark the home page of the new CALPADS system, not the login screen. If you are having difficulty logging in, verify that the URL says:
  • CALPADS LEA Administrators may potentially see users who are not associated with their LEA in the User Management List. This is a result of the new security module allowing “one-to-many” LEA associations.
    • Please note that users on the list who are not associated with your organization are not authorized to view your reports or edit any of your data.
    • To limit the results in the list to users associated only with your LEA type in your email domain (e.g., into the Email/Username box, then click Search.

    Below is the list of common problems (known issues) for which you do not need to send in a service ticket:

    List of Commonly Encountered Defects


    Target Fix Date


    Unable to request SSID Extract and Rejected Records Extract by Job ID/Submitter.


    None at this time.

    Accountability reports not displaying or Access denied.


    None at this time.

    ODS Extract Downloads - Need to default to .txt file type extension to open in a text file.


    None at this time.

    OM Dates displayed incorrectly: Student Enrollment/Demographics/SELA: Initial US Enrollment Date differs in grid vs modal.


    None at this time.

    Server Application error accessing 0.0 - Candidate List Report.


    None at this time.

    Certification Status: Snapshot Create Date displays in UTC.


    None at this time.

    SENR SSID Enrollment ODS Extract - Unable to request file by Date Range.


    None at this time.

    Job is not posting - status stays "in Review."


    None at this time.

    SENR0005: IVR is triggering for NPS school.


    None at this time.

    Forward slash (/) in file name causes jobs to get stuck "In Queue."


    Save file without forward slashes in the name.

    CALPADS Student data export to TOMS/ELPAC is not working.


    None at this time.

    SELA0285: IVR False triggering (batch).


    None at this time.

    0.1 Student Submission Error Report: Job ID missing from SENR Submission Error Report.

    No ETA

    None at this time.

    Direct Cert: Certification Status Code filters do not work

    No ETA

    None at this time.

    Fall 1 Access denied message displays for Snapshot report 8.1c Student profile dropouts-State

    No ETA

    None at this time.

    Next Steps

    Below are some suggested steps once you log in:

    • Establish an LEA Admin account and assign roles. For a refresher, view this 5-minute video entitled Quick Demo: LEA Admin First Login, on the CSIS CALPADS Training Channel: (5 minutes)
    • Prepare local extracts and upload files to CALPADS.
    • Review the CALPADS Known Issues list when encountering problems.
    • Firefox and Chrome are the recommended browsers; Internet Explorer (IE) may cause errors or unexpected behavior.

    CALPADS Deadline Dates

    We appreciate your patience as we work through this transition. We understand that the timing of the transition was not optimal, but were constrained by resources and the critical importance of giving LEAs until September 14, 2018 to update the data required for the 4-year Adjusted Cohort Graduation Rate needed for the California School Dashboard. In addition, this is a phased transition, with Fall 2 and End-of-Year (EOY) features (including historical reports) to be implemented by the end of the year. Given the transition, the CDE is discussing the most appropriate deadlines for the upcoming Fall 1 and Fall 2 submission.

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