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CALPADS Flash #142 - Sept 20, 2018


Some LEAs Require an Updated CALPADS LEA Administrator Application

The CDE is updating all LEA CALPADS Administrator applications to ensure that current applications are on file. LEAs that do not have a current CALPADS LEA Administrator application on file were sent an email last week directing them to submit a request for an application to the CALPADS Service Desk. Once you receive the application, it is important that you return it as soon as possible because you will not be issued a new CALPADS account until an approved application is on file. We are working to respond immediately to application requests and to expeditiously process completed applications; however, there is currently a seven day backlog of these tickets. You do not need to resend the service ticket if the CDE has not yet responded.

If you did not receive an email requesting that you submit a new application, it is not necessary to submit a new application.

All CALPADS LEA Administrators Will Need New Accounts; Completion of Essential 2 or Fall 1 Advanced Training Is Required to Receive New Account

CALPADS has a new security model, and all CALPADS LEA Administrators are required to attend training prior to being given an account to the new system.

CALPADS LEA Administrators who are experienced users should attend Fall 1 Advanced, where the Fall 1 changes for the year and new security set up will be covered. Essential 2 can be substituted for the Fall 1 Advanced to learn about the new User Management functionality if you find those session times are better for your schedule.

CALPADS LEA Administrators who are new to CALPADS or feel they need a more in-depth training, should sign up for Essential 2, followed by Fall 1 Reporting and Certification.

When you attend a training session, it is important to include your first and last name when logging in to the event, so that we can track attendance for each individual.

CALPADS LEA Administrators who have attended training and have a current application on file will receive an account to the new environment on October 3rd. These users will receive an email with instructions on how to set up their password and a link to the new site; the confirmation link in the email will expire within 24 hours.

Once the LEA Admin account is established, you will need to create new accounts and add roles for any local users who may need access to the system.

Updated Timeline for CALPADS Down Time

As noted in Flash 141, CALPADS will be taken offline on September 21 at 5:00 p.m. The file upload function will be disabled at 3:00 p.m. to allow for all jobs to finish posting. The revised re-open date is October 3, 2018.

Registration for CALPADS Information Meeting (CIM) Now Open

The Fall CALPADS Information Meeting (CIM) is scheduled for Tuesday, October 2, 2018.

Registration for the October 2 CIM is now open on the FCMAT/CSIS Events web page at The draft agenda is also available via this link.

The meeting will be streamed over the Internet, and details about accessing the meeting will be sent only to registered attendees. To register, go to the FCMAT/CSIS October 2, 2018 CALPADS Information Meeting (CIM) web page at and click on the "Enroll" link on that page, and then follow the on-screen directions.

Please register no later than Monday, October 1 at 11:00 a.m. in order to receive logon information and meeting materials. If more than one person will be viewing the meeting together, please register only once, and enter the name(s) of the other attendees where indicated on the registration form.

There is no cost to attend this meeting. LEAs are strongly encouraged to attend to learn about system updates, upcoming changes for the Fall submission, and updates on accountability and other topics of interest.

CALPADS Information Meeting - October 3rd, 2018
CALPADS Flash #141 - September 11, 2018


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