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If Student School Completion Status = 100 (Graduated), then Student Exit Reason Code must = E230 (Completer Exit)


The student has an overlapping enrollment (closed or open) for the same LEA and school


The submitted record attempts to delete the Last Enrollment Record for a student in CALPADS


The submitted record attempts to delete a record that does not exist in CALPADS


The Enrollment School Start Date is before the School Open Date


The Enrollment Start Date is after the School Closed Date


Open short term enrollment submitted without an existing open primary enrollment or the short term enrollment School Start Date is before the primary enrollment School Start Date

Primary Enrollments are defined as: - Enrollment Status = “10” (Primary); - Enrollment Status = “30” (Short Term), and the enrollment period exceeds 30 days; Note: Enrollments with a N470 (NoShowOther) exit and a Enrollment Exit Date equal to or one day prior to the Enrollment Start Date are NOT considered Primary Enrollments."


Short term enrollment period must be 30 days or less Primary Enrollments are defined as: - Enrollment Status = “10” (Primary); - Enrollment Status = “30” (Short Term), and the enrollment period exceeds 30 days; Note: Enrollments with a N470 (NoShowOther) exit and a Enrollment Exit Date equal to or one day prior to the Enrollment Start Date are NOT considered Primary Enrollments.


The batch SENR or online submission contains a short-term enrollment record. This submitted enrollment record starts on the SAME date as an existing primary enrollment record in CALPADS ODS for another LEA. Things to check for in submisson: Verify the following fields contained in the submissions against CALPADS Enrollment History of the student:
1.23 - Student School Start Date
1.24 - Enrollment Status Code
1.26 - Student School Exit Date 


Only Educational Options schools may submit short term enrollments

Primary Enrollments are defined as:

- Enrollment Status = “10” (Primary);

- Enrollment Status = “30” (Short Term), and the enrollment period exceeds 30 days;

Note: Enrollments with a N470 (NoShowOther) exit and a Student School Exit Date equal to or one day prior to the Student School Start Date are NOT considered Primary Enrollments.


Receiving Specialized Services Only enrollment overlaps an existing Primary Enrollment


School of Attendance must not equal a 7-digit County District (CD) code. Note: This validation does not apply to independently reporting charters.


Invalid Student School Exit Date for Student School Completion Status Code 108 (CAHSEE Exemption): Student School Exit Date must not be in academic year 2007-08 or 2008-09


If Student Exit Reason Code = N420, then Student School Exit Date must be between May 15 and August 15 (inclusive)


If Student Exit Category equals E230 and School Completion Status Code equals 250 or 320; or if Student Exit Category equals T260 or T270; then Student Age must be greater than or equal to 18


Only one record may exist in the file with the same Local ID when the SSID is blank.


If one or more candidates have a score of 100 and user selects New SSID, warn user that a duplicate ID may be created.


Record(s) will pass this validation once all other fatal errors are corrected for student

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